Councilman Todd K. Crandell

It is my honor to represent the proud people of the 7th District which includes Dundalk, Edgemere, Essex, Rosedale, and Sparrows Point. We are a unique community with a rich history all our own and we seek to honor our heritage as we create a vital and vibrant community for generations to come.
The 7th District represents a major opportunity for post-industrial renewal and it is my goal to facilitate responsible redevelopment and be a champion of our district as a premier destination in which to live, to invest, and to locate businesses.
While Economic Development, Job Creation, and Educational opportunities are of the highest priority, we are also here to serve. Our staff is proud to usher in a new era of citizen involvement and empowerment and is developing mechanisms for increased communication and accountability in areas of code enforcement, public works, and public safety. Please contact us with your ideas, concerns, or questions.
Let’s move forward purposefully.
“Shake off any dust that may accumulate from lack of purpose.”
Cpl. Chris Coffland, US Army, KIA Afghanistan, 2009