For Job Seekers
The Baltimore County Department of Economic and Workforce Development can help you get started on or advance in a career path by equipping you with the knowledge, strategies and tools you need to prepare for and connect to your next employment opportunity.

Whether you’re looking for a new position in your current field or planning a career change, everything you need is at your fingertips when you visit a Baltimore County Career Center.
We work with people at all stages of their career from entry-level to executive. Our professional and knowledgeable staff will work with you to help you achieve your goals and succeed in today's ever changing job market.
As a veteran, your character, training and skills are valued by businesses.
Baltimore County’s Career Centers are committed to helping individuals who have served our country make a successful transition to a civilian career. We offer a variety of services to assist veterans, transitioning military personnel and other qualified individuals. Full-time Veteran Employment and Training Representatives are available to job seekers who visit the Career Centers.
Our Career Centers offer a variety of services to assist veterans, transitioning military personnel and other qualified individuals. Veterans may also receive one-on-one assistance with a Local Veteran Employment Representatives, who can develop hiring opportunities within the local area by contacting businesses, state and federal agencies, and other resources partners to encourage the hiring and advancement of qualified veterans.
Disabled Veteran’s Outreach Program (DVOP) staff provide specialized intensive employment assistance to eligible veterans who have special employment and training needs. The DVOPs assist individuals to overcome barriers that prevent them from gaining meaningful employment. DVOPS apply a case management approach and access a broad network of providers and resources to assist eligible veterans with their employment goals.
Veteran Representatives are trained and dedicated to helping all qualified veterans and their spouses with career goals and job searches.
A veteran is a person who served at least one day in the active-duty military, National Guard or reserves and was discharged or released with other than a dishonorable discharge.
You also qualify if you're the spouse of:
- any veteran who died of a service-connected disability
- any member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty who, at the time of application for the priority, is listed in one or more of the following categories and has been so listed for a total of more than 90 days:
- missing in action
- captured in line of duty by a hostile force
- forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power
- any veteran who has a total disability resulting from a service-connected disability, as evaluated by the Department of Veterans Affairs
- any veteran who died while a disability, as indicated in previous bullet of this section, was in existence
Veterans can access a number of online resources and tools to assist in their career planning and goals.
- eBenefits–a gateway to veteran benefit information.
- Expedited Licensing–this service of the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Registration facilitates the process for qualified veteran and military spouses who are actively licensed in other states to obtain certain licenses in Maryland.
- My Next Move for Veterans–designed for U.S. veterans who are currently seeking jobs. The site has tasks, skills, salary information, job listings and more for over 900 different careers.
- Operation Hire Maryland–supports employers as they develop or expand upon their veteran hiring and retention initiatives. The collaboration and efforts of Operation Hire Maryland participants are establishing a veteran-friendly business network to share best practices and proven methods for veteran recruitment, hiring, onboarding and retention in the civilian workplace.
- Troops to Energy Jobs–helps veterans make a successful move to a rewarding career in the energy industry.
- Veteran-Owned Small Business and Maryland State Procurement–contains information for veteran-owned small business owners as well as for veterans interested in starting their own businesses.
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment–every veteran and service member with a service-connected disability is different. That's why Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, through the Veteran Administration, provides you with an individualized plan and works with you to see it through.
- Wounded Warrior Project–this service offer career guidance and support to Wounded Warriors interested in transitioning to the civilian workforce. An individual's skills and experience are matched to the needs of hiring managers. These services are also open to registered family members and caregivers.
These Career Center partners provide essential professional development resources to individuals looking for employment and training assistance, using Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA). They provide important “on-ramps” to resources in Baltimore County's workforce system.
- Baltimore County Department of Social Services
- Baltimore County Public Library (BCPL)
- Baltimore County Small Business Resource Center (SBRC)
- Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)
- Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
- Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS)
- Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR)
- Maryland Workforce Exchange (MWE)
- Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS)
- Maryland Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL)
- National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB)
- Small Business Administration’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
- United States Department of Labor
In addition to the partners listed above, Baltimore County’s workforce system benefits from a community of outstanding post-secondary institutions located in the County and in the wider region.
- Community College of Baltimore County
- Towson University
- Stevenson University
- Goucher College
Baltimore County’s workforce system also includes a large number of career schools—many of which are for-profit businesses—provide students with formal classes and work experience related to their future career interests, from welding to cybersecurity to medical imaging.
- Baltimore County Local Workforce Area Plan—Baltimore County’s blueprint for implementing The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which outlines how we will achieve a job-driven workforce system that matches jobseekers with employers to compete globally.
- Jobs of the Future: Trends in Occupational Employment, 2015 to 2024—Presents County industry and occupational employment data on nine industry clusters, describes the workforce demographic profile and offers recommendations to guide the economic and workforce strategy.