Zoning Hearings - 3366 & 3500 Belmont Avenue - Day 2 CANCELLED
Case Number: 2024-0118-SPH
Location: North of southside of Belmont Avenue, 1950 ft. west of centerline of Tufton Avenue
4th Election District
Legal Owners: 3366 Belmont Road, LLC and 3500 Belmont Avenue, LLC
Special Hearing to determine whether the use of the subject property constitutes "spirits manufacture" under BCZR, Section 1A01.2.C.31.f. Whether temporary promotional events, including tastings and public gatherings, are a permitted use under the Special Exception for "spirits manufacture" in BCZR, Section 1A01.2.C.31.f. To determine whether the subject property has been hosting temporary promotional evens, such as tastings or public gatherings, associated with spirits manufacture. To determine whether a catering hall is permitted as of right or by Special Exception in the RC 2 zone. To determine whether a property in the RC 2 zone may be rented or otherwise used for the hosting of parties or other events; whether the use of the subject property is a catering hall under the BCZR. To determine whether the use of the subject property is an "agricultural support use" under BCZR, Section 1A01.2.C.31. To determine whether the use of the subject property otherwise conforms with the BCZR; to determine such other issues as necessary and appropriate.
Join the hearing by telephone at 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 231 779 58674
Webinar Password: 4321 (from phones and video systems)