Zoning Hearings - 700 & 708 Eastern Boulevard
Case Number: 2025-0051-SPHA
Location: N/west side of Eastern Avenue, 80 ft. from N. Stuart Street to Hartman Avenue
15th Election District
Legal Owners: Essex Investors, LLC
Special Hearing to approve a modified parking plan pursuant to BCZR, Section 409.12.B to permit 24 parking spaces in lieu of 49 parking spaces required, as shown on the Plan to Accompany Petition for Special Hearing. To approve an amendment to the approved site plan in Zoning Case 2004-0195-A as shown on Plan to Accompany Petition for Zoning Hearing. For such other and further relief as this case may require. Variance in the alternative to Special Hearing request 1, a variance from BCZR, Section 409 to permit 24 parking spaces in lieu of 49 parking spaces required.
Join the hearing by telephone at 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 231 748 71275
Webinar Password: 4321 (from phones and video systems)
To request an in-person hearing, contact Administrative Hearings at 410-887-3868, ext. 0