Zoning Hearings - 8605-8607 La Salle Road (aka 1255-1265 Joppa Road)
Case Number: 2025-0042-SPH
Location: S/east of intersection of E. Joppa Rd. and La Salle Rd.
9th Election District
Legal Owners: 1265 Joppa, LLC
Special Hearing pursuant to Section 210.6 of the BCZR, to permit modifications of the bulk regulations contained in BCZR, Section 210.4 as follows: 1. to permit a minimum net lot area of 0.59 +/- acres for Proposed Lot 1A and 1.80 +/- acres for Proposed Lot 1B in lieu of the 2 acres required by BCZR, Section 210.4.A. 2. To permit a minimum lot width of 116 ft. +/- for Proposed Lot 1A in lieu of the minimum 150 ft. required by BCZR, Section 210.4.C. 3. To permit a minimum building to lot line setback of 3 +/- ft. for Proposed Lot 1A in lieu of the minimum setback of 20 ft. required by BCZR, Section 210.4.E.1. If necessary, to permit 0 ft. landscape buffers to property lines between Proposed Lots 1A and 1B in lieu of the ten foot buffer (each side) required by BCZR, Section 210.4.H.2.
Join the hearing by telephone at 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 230 020 31152
Webinar Password: 4321 (from phones and video systems)
To request an in-person hearing, contact Administrative Hearings at 410-887-3868, ext. 0