Zoning Hearings - 8924 Hinton Avenue
Case Number: 2024-0269-AFPM
Location: N/west side of Hinton Avenue, n/east of centerline of 8th Street
15th Election District
Legal Owners: Charles & Melissa Raymond
Variance from BCZR, Section 1B02.3.C.1 to permit the construction of a proposed replacement dwelling on a lot of record 50 ft. wide in lieu of the required 55 ft. and to have side yard setbacks of 8 ft. (each side) in lieu of the required 10 ft. Floodplain Management pursuant to Baltimore County Code Section 32-8-701 to permit a proposed replacement building/structure upon the petitioner demonstrating to the Administrative Law Judge that strict application of the requirements of these floodplain management provisions would not be contrary to the public interest and where , owing to special conditions of the lot or parcel, a literal enforcement of the requirements of the provisions would result in unnecessary hardship. For such other and further relief as may be deemed necessary by the Administrative Law Judge.
Join the hearing by telephone at 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 231 205 00138
Webinar Password: 4321 from phones and video systems