Zoning Hearings - 905 Cold Spring Road
Case Number: 2025-0032-A
Location: S/side of Cold Spring Rd., east of intersection of Chesapeake Ave. and Cold Spring Rd.
15th Election District
Legal Owner: Molly Callanan
Variance from Sections 1B02.3.C.1 to allow a side yard setback of 5 ft. and a total of 22 ft. in lieu of the required 10 ft. and 25 ft. total on a existing lot that is 50 ft. in lieu of the required 70 ft.
Join the hearing by telephone at 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 230 569 27944
Webinar Password: 4321 (from phones and video systems)
To request an in-person hearing, contact Administrative Hearings at 410-887-3868, ext. 0