Volunteer Opportunities
Make a difference in your community by giving of your time, talents and experience. For many nonprofit and government agencies, the presence of volunteers is vital for them to be able to successfully meet their goals and missions. In addition, volunteering helps not just others, but yourself as well. Volunteering leads to new discoveries, new friends and new interests.
Learn About Aging's Different Volunteer Opportunities
If you wish to volunteer with an older population, you may contact the Department of Aging's Volunteer Office by calling 410-887-2715 or emailing volunteers@baltimorecountymd.gov.
To read more about the volunteer programs within the Department of Aging, select a program link below:
Complete the Application
Complete the application specific to the program(s) of interest.
Print and Submit Application
Once your application is complete, please print and submit to the indicated address or e-mail address.
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Baltimore County has nearly 800 active senior volunteers, aged 55 or older, who are dedicated to making a difference in their communities by supporting local government agencies, nonprofit organizations, faith-based community services and proprietary health care organizations. RSVP volunteers are matched with volunteer stations based on areas of interest and skill. Volunteers are able to serve in one or more capacities, with the primary focuses being on: healthy futures, education, economic empowerment and environmental stewardship.
Are you seeking to make a difference within your community by utilizing your experience and skills to help create a stronger, healthier Baltimore County? Are you at least 55 years of age? If you answered "Yes," then please accept this invitation to serve as a volunteer with RSVP of Baltimore County.
This resource provides an overview of the RSVP program, including policies, procedures, prohibited activities and other valuable information. View Handbook
RSVP volunteers uplift communities by allowing existing organizations to strengthen outreach and expand their community services by providing much needed support from dedicated volunteers. Eligible volunteers must be at least age 55 and have a desire to give of their time. If you would like to learn more about RSVP or how you can get involved, please call 410-887-3101 or email RSVP@baltimorecountymd.gov. An online RSVP Volunteer Application can also be completed, printed, signed and submitted to: RSVP, 611 Central Avenue, Room 314, Towson, Maryland, 21204.
To find out how you can make an impact, view a complete list of the RSVP volunteer stations across Baltimore County.
The Baltimore County Department of Aging Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is announcing a unique opportunity for caring, compassionate people to reach out and make a difference in the lives of Baltimore County long-term care residents.
Volunteers provide routine access and serve as advocates for residents. As a Volunteer Ombudsman, you will be trained to advocate, help to promote residents' rights and enhance the quality of life of long-term care residents.
Training is required and consists of three full days of classroom instruction. For additional information call 410-887-4200.
Training Location
Parkville Senior Center
8601 Harford Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21234
To be considered as a potential Volunteer Ombudsman, complete the application. Volunteers must be at least 21 years of age and able to make a six-month commitment. Volunteers are asked to visit a nursing home one to two hours a week. For more information call 410-887-4200 or email ombudsman@baltimorecountymd.gov.
Baltimore County Department of Aging
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
611 Central Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact the SHIP office to learn about the available volunteer opportunities. We are currently recruiting for:
- Year-Round Medicare Counselors—Volunteer counselors are trained to help Baltimore County Medicare beneficiaries and their families navigate all facets of Medicare. Volunteer counselors must complete both classroom and in-office trainings, as well as pass SHIP certification test. All counseling is completed year-round, over the phone from our office in the Bykota Senior Center. A minimum of three hours of service per week is required.
- Part D Counselors—Volunteer counselors are trained in the Part D enrollment process and financial assistance programs to assist beneficiaries looking to change plans for the coming year. This position is temporary and runs during the Open Enrollment season from October 15 to December 7. Counseling is provided in-person at area senior centers. Hours are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and you choose your locations. Volunteer counselors must participate in six dates during Open Enrollment.
Download, complete, print or email the SHIP application and submit to:
State Health Insurance Assistance Program
611 Central Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
To contact the SHIP Office:
Phone: 410-887-2059
Email: medicareinformation@baltimorecountymd.gov
Social engagement and support systems are important for everyone, but especially older adults. As people age, it becomes more difficult to remain connected to the community. The likelihood of isolation increases due to a variety of life-changing factors. Isolation can lead to loneliness, depression, fear, anxiety, malnutrition, rapid health decline, and other mental disorders. Fortunately, with the help of generous people willing to donate their time, energy and talents, we are able to enhance the quality of lives of those individuals at risk.
Through the Baltimore County Home Team, volunteers provide friendly in-home and telephone visits to eligible older adults who lack social supports and are at risk of social isolation.
Persons assigned to a home team volunteer are Baltimore County residents age 60 or over who have been referred by a human services agency. Volunteers are asked to make a six-month commitment of approximately one hour a week and are matched with people in their neighborhoods.
This program, which operates through the Baltimore County Department of Aging (BCDA), provides ongoing training and recognition to volunteers. This program reflects a caring sense of community, providing reassurance and security to older persons wishing to remain in their own homes and at the same time providing satisfaction to volunteers.
People like you who:
- Are interested in helping seniors
- Are sensitive and reliable
- Desire a flexible schedule
- Are at least 18 years of age
- Are willing to be screened through background check
In just an hour a week, Home Team volunteers provide friendly in-home and telephone visits to homebound seniors throughout Baltimore County. Activity ideas include:
- Friendly conversation
- Discussing a favorite book
- Watching a movie
- Scrapbooking and small crafts
- Discussing sports
- Reminiscing
- Playing board games
- Playing card games
- Discussing current events
- Personal satisfaction of helping others
- Establishment of caring relationships
- Opportunity to develop new skills and network
- Management support and training
- Information on aging issues
- Interaction with other volunteers
- Tangible benefits offered through our volunteer benefits package
- Independence
- Enhanced quality of life
- New friendships
- Needed socialization and reduced loneliness
- Increased happiness
For the safety of our clients and volunteers, Home Team volunteers should never bring animals (such as dogs, cats or other pets) along on a friendly visit.
Only registered Home Team volunteers (those who have completed the application process including a background check) should be in the client’s home or on a friendly visit. If you wish to have your spouse or loved one attend, please ask him or her to call us and complete the application process.
Parents are encouraged to register as Home Team volunteers! Children 16 years of age and older must complete the normal application process, have a signed parental permission slip and be accompanied by a registered Home Team volunteer 21 years of age or more. Children under the age of 16 may accompany a Home Team volunteer (21 years of age or older) on a friendly visit as long as the volunteer is in good standing, the child has a signed parental permission slip with completed registration form sent to the Home Team office, the child is properly supervised and the client has communicated to the Home Team office that the child may visit. Children under the age of 16 do not complete a background check. It is important that all policies are followed for the safety of clients, volunteers and your family members!
When preparing for inclement weather, please remember your client. If your client is unable to attain food in advance of the storm, a very limited supply of “shelf stable meals” may be available through the Home Team for emergency purposes only. Please contact the office for information.
If the local news or the Maryland Access Point office (410-887-2594) indicates that senior centers or CountyRide are not operating, please refrain from visiting your client (with the exception of telephone visiting) until they reopen.
Contact the Home Team Program:
Phone: 410-887-4141
Email: hometeam@baltimorecountymd.gov
Following the selection process, you will be personally introduced to your client.
To apply, download the Volunteer Application for the Home Team Program fill out, print and mail it to:
Home Team Program
611 Central Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
If you know of a Baltimore County resident age 60 and over who lacks social supports and would benefit from receiving a friendly visit, contact us at 410-887-4141.
Volunteering at a senior center allows you to share your professional or personal skills in a rewarding work environment. Each year, over 2,200 individuals volunteer in County senior centers. As nonprofits, volunteers are critical to senior center operation.
Contact your local senior center to learn about the wide range of volunteer opportunities available, including those in:
- Customer Service—Answer questions and provide administrative assistance at the front desk or in the staff offices.
- Creative/Technical Assistance—Individuals with training in graphic design, accounting, grant-writing, computers, social media, marketing, photography and more can help enhance the center’s operations and marketing efforts.
- Instruction—Share your talents by teaching others new skills.
- Leadership—Become a member of the and help raise funds and provide input to the programs and activities at the center.
- Supervision—Monitor the fitness room or Eating Together participants to insure a safe and enjoyable environment.
Examples of volunteer positions or tasks include:
- Activity planners
- Advocate
- Board of Directors
- Cafeteria
- Center Council member
- Community Outreach Committee member
- Garden maintenance
- Flyer/brochure design
- Fundraising organizer or Committee member
- Marketing Director
- Mentor
- Nutrition Program
- Program Instructor
- Readers
- Reception
- Office/Administrative or gift shop assistance
- Performing arts
- Senior Center Council Executive Board member
- Travel Committee member
- Tour guide
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Invitations to annual recognition events such as the BCDA Volunteer Luncheon and senior center appreciation ceremonies.
- Protection against personal injury or property damage claims arising out of the performance of volunteer duties. Insurance is provided at no cost to the volunteer. It is supplemental and not a substitute for any insurance you may now carry.
- Eligibility to join the Baltimore County Credit Union and enjoy full benefits.
- Tickets to Governor’s Day at the Maryland State Fair.
- Training to assist you with fully developing the skills needed to successfully carry out your volunteer assignment.
- Volunteering reduces your risk of hypertension and increases your independence and lifespan.
- Correctly learn about your duties by attending scheduled training sessions and asking questions of staff.
- Report to your assignment on time and notify your supervisor of planned absences.
- Keep track of and report volunteer hours on a monthly basis.
- Follow all BCDA policies and procedures.
- Maintain the confidentiality of all information pertaining to center members, staff and other volunteers. All volunteers with access to confidential member information must sign a form assuring that they will preserve this confidentiality.
- No soliciting or smoking in centers or other BCDA sites.
- Report all accidents and incidents to the center director as soon as possible.
Our volunteers are high school students, community residents, business partners and senior center members. Learn more about the application process:
- Call or email the senior center staff at your preferred location to learn about the positions available.
- Complete the 55 and Older Volunteer Application or the Under 55 Volunteer Application and bring it to the center where you are interested in volunteering. It is best to schedule your visit between 10 and 11 a.m. or 1 to 3 p.m. to ensure someone will be available to give you a tour of the senior center and meet with you.
- Schedule an interview to discuss your interests and connect you with the perfect position.
For questions, call 410-887-2040.
Persons of any age who wish to volunteer may independently access the online Volunteering in Baltimore County portal to search for volunteer opportunities in the greater Baltimore region. This partnership with Hands on Connect makes finding volunteer opportunities even easier.