Board of Appeals - 10729 Park Heights Avenue, LLC 24-029-SPHX - Day 1 (CANCELLED)
The hearing will be held in person at
Hearing Room 2, Suite 206
The Jefferson Building
105 W. Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
The hearing will also be live-streamed via Webex.
Join the hearing online.
Join the hearing by phone. Call 1-415-655-0001; access code to be posted.
A complete set of exhibits must be emailed at least 48 hours before the hearing to in a format that complies with MDEC (Maryland Electronic Court) standards.
In the matter of: 10729 Park Heights Avenue, LLC, Legal Owner
Bais Medrash of Owings Mills, Inc., Contract Purchaser
Case number: 24-029-SPHX
Property Location: 10725 and 10729 Park Heights Avenue
Petition for Special Exception to permit rabbinical college, including dormitories; and
Petition for Special Hearing to confirm that 45 parking spaces is sufficient to support the proposed rabbinical college use; and to amend the previously approved site plan and relief in case number 2010-0280-SPH, specifically regarding continued use of the three existing single-family homes approved as non-confirming uses. If necessary to confirm that no new landscape will be required for the conversion of the existing improvements into the proposed rabbinical college use.