Loch Raven Fishing Center

- Boat Ramps
- Boat Rentals
- Fishing Center
- Recreation And Parks Office
- Restrooms
- Cockeysville
View a map of the Loch Raven Fishing Center, located on the shores of 2,400-acre Loch Raven Reservoir and offering an assortment of services and goods for anglers, canoeists and boating enthusiasts, including:
- Boat rentals
- Fishing tackle and live bait for a variety of fish, including large and small mouth bass, yellow perch and northern pike
- Snacks and sundries
Launching and Docking Permits
Permits for the 2025 season will go on sale on Monday, January 6, at 6 p.m. through CivicRec. All permits are sold through CivicRec.
Kayak Share Program
Join Baltimore County Recreation and Parks Kayak Share program and enjoy paddling at Loch Raven Fishing Center, Marshy Point Nature Center, Rocky Point Park and Miami Beach Park. Membership includes use of a kayak, paddle, life vest and seasonal admission to Rocky Point Park and Miami Beach Park. The cost is $200 for ages 18 and over. The application and payment will be processed through CivicRec. The creation of an account is required in order to access and browse the recreation programs and offerings. Once you have completed the online process your membership card will arrive by mail. Information and tutorials for CivicRec.
Seasons and Hours
Season | Hours |
April 4 through Labor Day | Open daily at 6 a.m. Closing time posted daily at the Center. |
Labor Day through last Sunday in October | Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday |
After seasonal close through April 4 | Closed |
All rental rates are per day and subject to applicable taxes and are subject to change without notice.
Each motor rental comes with one battery that is fully charged prior to rental. Each battery will give approximately two to three hours of high-speed running with the standard motors.
The occupant capacity for boats is three passengers.
Type of Rental | Cost | Description |
Standard Boat | $35 |
Premium Boat | $66 |
Rowboat Rental | $23 |
Kayak (Available May 1 through October 1) | $22 |
Extra Battery | $7 |
Every Wednesday, the first 20 patrons over 62 years of age receive a free boat rental (motor extra).
All boats and kayaks must be returned and checked-in by posted time. Failure to return by the posted time will result in a $10 fine.
In an effort to provide ready boating access to Loch Raven Reservoir, we must limit the parking and activities at the fishing center to that of its patrons. Therefore no picnicking, shoreline fishing or other "non-fishing center" related activities are permitted on the shore. Those wishing to pursue other recreational activities in and around the reservoir property are encouraged to park on Loch Raven Drive near Morgan Mill and Providence Roads for dawn to dusk parking.
- Fishing licenses are no longer sold at the center, however, you still need a Maryland Non-Tidal Fishing License if you are over 16 years of age.
- Seasonal permits only apply to privately-owned vessels.
- Occupant capacity for a rental boat is three passengers regardless of age or size.
- All fishing from boats and kayaks in the Loch Raven Reservoir is allowed and regulated under the management of the Maryland State Department of Natural Resources. For those who are fishing, a State Angling License is required of all persons 16 years of age and over.
- Polluting the waters of the reservoir or any watercourse leading into it is prohibited. Toilet facilities have been provided at the Fishing Center and shall be used.
- Throwing or depositing trash, garbage or refuse on the waters or shore of the reservoir is prohibited.
- All garbage, trash, wastepaper, drink containers, etc., must be placed in receptacles provided at the Fishing Center. Upon the return of rental boats, all trash must be deposited by the renter in the large receptacles placed in the landing area.
- Mutilation of property or destruction of any equipment is punishable by law. This means absolutely no nails, screws or tacks driven in the boats, no carving on boats or oars and no cutting of anchor ropes.
- When renting boats, kayaks, motors, batteries or any equipment, you are required to show your Maryland Drivers License or legal identification. You are responsible for returning all Fishing Center equipment.
- Absolutely no shooting on or around the lake. It is prohibited to carry or discharge any firearm on Loch Raven Reservoir and lands adjacent to this lake owned by the City of Baltimore. Firearms shall include air rifles and B.B. guns.
- Bathing, wading, swimming and water skiing are prohibited.
- No vessels are allowed below the Number One Bridge on Loch Raven Drive or above the Paper Mill Bridge at the north end of the reservoir. Any violation of these boundaries will result in loss of your seasonal permit and boating privilege.
- Rental boats are limited to three passengers regardless of age or size. Privately owned boats must adhere to capacity limits as listed on Coast Guard Boat Capacity Plate.
- All boats and kayaks must be returned to the Fishing Center at the termination of use. It is the responsibility of each boater to observe the time due in, posted both at the launching ramp and on the Center bulletin board. Failure to return at the posted time will result in a $10 fine. Any vessel returning later than the posted time on three occasions will have their permit to use the Reservoir revoked, with all paid fees forfeited.
- All vessels rented or permitted must have an adult 18 years or older in each one.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on the reservoir and watershed property.
- There shall be no towing of boats by the Fishing Center except in emergencies, and then only after occupants of boats have been placed aboard the motorboat or shore. Canoes will not be towed.
- Boats and kayaks must be kept in the water at all times and not pulled ashore.
- All privately owned vessels shall be registered and will be assigned two stickers. One sticker shall be applied to each side of the vessel prior to launching for identification purposes. This refers to seasonal dockers and launchers of boats, canoes and kayaks.
- Construction of boats shall be of marine plywood of one-quarter inch minimum thickness, wood plank, metal or fiberglass. Boats shall be buoyant if submerged and float in the event that they should be swamped. Metal and fiberglass boats must have permanently installed air chambers or flotation material such as cork or expanded foam.
- Boats must have a minimum length of 12 feet, maximum length of 20 feet, a beam (width) of not less than 48 inches, and a depth of not less than 18 inches. Kayaks must be at least 12 feet long and also have a maximum length of 20 feet. Canoes have the same length requirements and must be at least 35 inches wide.
- No painting or major repairs of boats on shore by private owners will be permitted.
- No nets, other than orthodox landing nets, are permitted. No spears, gigs, bush-bobs or other irregular methods of fishing are allowed.
- All dogs must be kept on a leash.
- All boats and kayaks, private and rented, must be equipped with a United States Coast Guard approved life jacket or preserver for each person in the boat.
- No inflatable rafts or sailboats of any type are to be used on the reservoir.
- All boats which are power driven, meaning any type of electric motor, must have a State of Maryland boat registration. The owner is responsible to apply the numbers and decal, as prescribed by law, on both sides of the boat. Applications may be obtained by contacting the Department of Natural Resources.
- The Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks, through its management at Loch Raven Fishing Center, reserves the right, on any given day, to refuse access to the reservoir, due to heavy winds or extreme weather.
Note: Fishing Center staff will patrol the reservoir in order to insure safe boating and compliance with regulations as well as provide assistance if necessary.
Learn more about programs and events happening at the park, offered by the Nature, Environmental and Agriculture Center.
The Fishing Center is operated by the Department of Recreation and Parks in cooperation with:
- Baltimore City Bureau of Water and Wastewater
- Maryland Department of Natural Resources Police
- Baltimore City Watershed Police
- Baltimore County Police Department
Learn more about recreational activities in other areas of the reservoir property.