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The commission's purpose is to:
- Serve as an advocate for women's issues.
- Disseminate information which will contribute to meeting the needs of women.
- Provide recommendations on matters relating to sex discrimination, equal rights and opportunities and other issues of concern to women.
- Investigate conditions which define the unmet needs of women.
- Work to remove inequities in such areas as housing, recreation, employment, education, community services and others.
- Provide contact information and referrals for services in the County related to the needs of women.
Work in partnership with the National Association of Commissions for Women (NACW) to promote passage of laws and legislation of interest to women.
Commission for Women ByLaws
The following bylaws originated through the Maryland State Commission for Women, which was created on July 1, 1971, and tailored specifically for Baltimore County. The Commission for Women abides by the following rules of practice and procedure:
The name shall be the Baltimore County Commission for Women.
Section I.
The Commission shall have the following powers, duties and purposes:
- To develop when necessary an information and referral system for all services in the County related specifically to the needs of women, and to recommend other services when a need for such services is determined.
- To research, assemble, analyze and disseminate pertinent data and educational materials relating to activities and programs which will assist in meeting the needs of women and in the elimination of prejudice and discrimination on account of sex; and to institute and conduct educational and other programs, meetings and conferences to promote equal rights and opportunities for all women. In performance of its duties, the commission shall cooperate with interested citizens, community, business, professional, technical, educational and civic organizations.
- To cooperate with and receive cooperation from the County Executive and all governmental agencies and Boards and Commissions and to refer to the County Executive and to the proper governmental agencies any matters in the jurisdiction of their existing powers, with the intent that issues will be addressed in the most effective and efficient manner and that duplication of efforts shall be avoided.
- To study and investigate by means of meetings, conferences and public hearings, conditions which demonstrate unmet needs of women as well as to initiate activities which will focus attention on the valuable contributions women make to Baltimore County.
- To advise and counsel the residents of Baltimore County, the County Council, the County Executive and the various departments of County, State and Federal governments on matters involving the needs of women and on matters relating to discrimination and prejudice on account of sex and to recommend such procedures, programs or legislation as it may deem necessary and proper to promote and insure equal rights and opportunities for all women.
- To work to remove inequalities due to unmet needs of women, including but not limited to such areas as housing, recreation, employment, education, community services, and related matters.
Section 2. Records
Records and minutes of the Commission shall be kept on file and shall be open to the public at reasonable business hours upon request. Copies of same will be submitted to the County Executive and/or County Council members upon request.
Section 3. Reports
The Commission shall make the following reports annually to the County Executive and County Council:
(a) status report of women in Baltimore County;
(b) activities report of the Commission.
The Commission for Women shall consist of twenty-one (21) voting members appointed for three (3) year terms, as follows:
- Fourteen (14) members shall be appointed by the County Executive, at large, and
- Each Council member shall appoint a resident of the Council member’s district to serve as a member of this Commission.
All appointments or reappointments shall be for three year terms, except that an appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term. Members shall continue in office until their successors are appointed. Ad hoc nonvoting members from the Department of Health, Department of Social Services, Board of Education and Human Relations Commission shall be appointed by the County Executive, to serve at the County Executive’s pleasure.
Members of the Commission shall receive no salaries but shall be reimbursed for all expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance with appropriations made by the County Council.
Section 1.
- The Officers of the Commission shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Parliamentarian and Treasurer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the Parliamentary authority established by the Commission.
- The President shall be considered the “Chairman” required by county law.
Section 2.
At the regular meeting held in May, a nominating committee consisting of five (5) voting members shall be elected by the Commission. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate a slate of candidates for the office to be filled. This nominating committee shall present the slate at the regular June meeting. Officers so elected shall assume the duties of office at the July meeting.
Section 3.
- The President shall be elected by ballot to serve a term of one (1) year.
- Other officers shall be elected by ballot to serve terms of two (2) years.
Section 4. Duties
- The President shall:
- preside at meetings of the Commission and shall perform such duties as pertain to the Office of the President.
- serve as principal spokesperson for the Commission in all matters related to official policy and actions approved by the Commission;
- serve as ex-officio member of all committees except for the Nominating Committee;
- ensure that the mission, goals, policies, actions, and procedures of the Commission are properly implemented
- The Vice President shall assist the President and shall serve in the latter’s absence.
- The Secretary shall take careful and authentic minutes of each regular meeting of the Commission and perform any other related duties required by the Commission.
- The Parliamentarian shall aid and advise the President regarding parliamentary procedure.
- The Treasurer shall submit a monthly report of the Commission’s budgetary expenses.
- The Commission shall meet at the call of the President as frequently as required to perform its duties, but not less than once each month on the third Thursday of each month unless otherwise notified in writing.
- The President or any three members of the executive committee may call a special meeting provided seven (7) days written notice be given to all members.
- The President shall allot a reasonable amount of time for citizens’ input at the end of each regular meeting for the public to address the Commission.
- There shall be an Annual Planning Meeting during a month designated by the Commission.
- Electronic Meetings
- Commissioners may attend meetings by telephone or video conferencing provided that the Commission member complies with the established procedures and the meetings are held in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- When meetings are held in-person, every effort will be made to ensure that meeting locations have the equipment needed to permit electronic participation.
- Meeting Procedures: Any Commissioner participating via video/teleconference must comply with the following:
- Identify herself upon entering the video/teleconference (or at an appropriate time if doing so would disturb the proceedings) and when speaking during the meeting.
- Operate her computer microphone/telephone on “mute” except when speaking to minimize any distracting outside noises.
- The elected Commission officers may determine when to hold the Commission meeting at its schedule time via video/teleconference, wherein all Commissioners, including the President, may participate via video/teleconference.
Section 2. Quorum
Subject to Article III, Section 2., a majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Except as provided in Article IX., an affirmative vote by the majority of those present at any meeting shall be sufficient for any official action. No proxy voting.
Section 1.
The President of the Commission may, with the approval of a majority of the Commission members, appoint committees to assist in carrying out any of the functions and duties of the Commission. Any committees thus appointed shall consist of not less than three members. The Commission President may also appoint advisory committees of citizens and at least one Commission member. Regular or advisory committee actions shall not be deemed to be the action of the Commission, unless expressly ratified.
Section 2. Standing Committees
- Standing Committees shall be those approved by the Commission.
- The Committees shall be appointed annually by the President the month following the general election to a term corresponding with that of the officers. They shall be chosen from among members agreeing to serve on a specified committee, subject to the approval of a simple majority of Commission members present and voting at that regular meeting. The work of all committees of the Commission shall be planned in consultation and cooperation with the Commission.
- Each member of the Commission is required to serve on at least one (1) standing committee unless appointed by the President.
- Each committee shall elect its own Chair unless appointed by the President.
- The committee may meet as often as necessary to accomplish given tasks.
- All committees will prepare complete reports of activities and submit them to the Commission by the April meeting or upon completion of a given tasks, whichever comes first.
Section 3. Executive Committee
- The President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Parliamentarian shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Commission.
- The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to plan the Agenda for meetings, to interpret policy when necessary, and, in the event that a majority of the Commissions cannot be contacted, to function at its discretion between Commission meetings, to establish the budget of the Commission and to approve all expenditures of over $25 from Commission funds.
- The Commission reserves to itself alone the power to determine policy.
Section 1.
The members shall have joint powers that can be exercised only when the Commission is meeting. No member has the authority to act individually and independently in the name of the Commission, except when specifically assigned by vote of the Commission or when in accordance with Section 2 of this Article. The Commission shall remain politically nonpartisan.
Section 2.
The Executive Committee shall have the authority by a majority vote, to make decisions on behalf of the Commission only when a decision needs to be made before a regularly scheduled meeting and before a special meeting can be called.
The rules contained in the current edition of Modified Robert’s Rules shall govern the Commission in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any specific rules the Commission may adopt.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Commission by a two-third’s vote of the voting members present, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.
Note: Source: Bill Number 5-77 as enacted and said Bill now appears as Article 3, Title 3, Subtitle 19 of the Baltimore County Code.
Amended Dates
• May 19, 2016
• November 16, 2000
• July 15, 1993
• May 10, 1993
• November 17, 1988
• June 18, 1987
• August 15, 1985
Revised October 1, 2018
The time for change is now and we are more than ready. Join us in being "Bold for Change." View upcoming Commission meetings, or upcoming events below.
Upcoming Events
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Date | Name | Details |
June 15, 2022 | Starting a Small Business | Hour of Power Speaker Series |
July 20, 2022 | Creating a Work Life Balance | Hour of Power Speaker Series |
The Commission for Women has identified current initiatives:
- Human Trafficking Awareness promotes the eradication of human trafficking and monitors the trafficking of persons in both lawful and illicit industries in the County. A human trafficking study conducted by the Commission for Women in 2013 confirmed that human trafficking exists in Maryland and the County.
- Domestic Violence is dedicated to monitoring and assisting victims of abuse in women, children and the elderly.
- Women’s Health educates and provides resources for well-being of women and girls.
- Woman of the Year honors Baltimore County women who have made significant contributions to the community.
- Women’s Conference educates women regarding issues including empowerment, financial management, workforce and healthy relationships.
- Legislative issues of interest to women are monitored.
- Semestral internships and mentorship for students on a particular study that is relevant to women’s issues.
View a comprehensive guide to organizations and services for women re-entering Baltimore communities.
- Domestic violence, filing orders and legal aid
- Watch the "From Surviving to Thriving" Domestic Violence Rights and Resources webinar video
- Child abuse
- Family violence
The Commission for Women is a proud recipient of the following National Association of Commission for Women (NACW) Achievement Awards:
- 2018—"Diversity Dimensions" is an ongoing series of interactive panel discussions on exploring differences in a safe, positive and nurturing environment.
- 2015—"Maryland Freedom Conference on Human Trafficking” was awarded for a successful regional conference held at Towson University, which was the first of its kind that focused primarily on educating the public about the issue of human trafficking.
- 2014—"Women Empowerment Expo” was a women empowerment expo aimed at enhancing women’s lives that addressed issues that specifically impact their health, hearts and pocketbooks.
- 2013—"Power of the Purse” event helped educate the public and raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking in our state.