Awards Nomination
The annual Baltimore County Commission on Disabilities Awards Ceremony is an opportunity for you to nominate someone who might be recognized for their distinguished achievements. Your nominee can be a coworker, friend or family member with a disability, or someone who represents an organization that works with the disability community in any capacity.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 13.
In making your nomination, choose only one award which you believe your nominee deserves. Please do not create any duplicate nominations. Only nominate one individual one time. If you wish to nominate more than one person, fill out a separate nomination application for each person.
Student of the Year Award
A student with a disability who attends either a public or private grade school, high school or college in Baltimore County, and who is an exceptional role model not only for students with disabilities, but for all students.
Teacher of the Year Award
A teacher who, through exceptional effort both in and outside of the classroom, instills in others a positive attitude and acceptance of persons with disabilities, and promotes inclusive education best practices. This person must teach in Baltimore County in any public or private program from preschool to postsecondary.
Employer Award
A business or government agency that has hired and trained people with disabilities, and promotes employment opportunities for qualified individuals with disabilities. The business or agency will have an exceptional record of practicing equal opportunity in employment for people with disabilities.
Employee Award
A full or part-time employee with a disability who lives or works in Baltimore County, is fully integrated into the workforce, and is a model not only for persons with disabilities but for all employees to emulate.
Volunteer Award
A person or organization who, through volunteer efforts, has contributed towards the full participation of people with disabilities in Baltimore County.
Disability Advocate Award
A person who actively works to instill a positive attitude and acceptance of persons with disabilities in Baltimore County.
Accessibility Award
A business, store or organization that has exceeded federal and Maryland law in making its facility physically accessible to citizens with disabilities; a land developer or multifamily housing complex which has shown an understanding and awareness of the residential needs of individuals with disabilities; or, an architect or builder who has made exceptional and creative efforts in designing or constructing a facility that has exceeded federal and Maryland law for accessibility.