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Boards and Commissions
The Baltimore County Executive and the Baltimore County Council encourage citizens who live or work in Baltimore County to become active and serve on various County boards and commissions. Qualified volunteers should be willing to contribute their time and attend regular meetings for the purpose of making recommendations to County government that enhance the quality of life in our County.
If you're interested in serving on a County board or commission, apply for a vacancy online.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
The Administrative Charging Committee (ACC) is responsible for reviewing the findings of law enforcement agencies in relation to complaints filed by members of the public against law enforcement officers. The ACC is also responsible for determining whether to administratively charge the officer in question, and whether to recommend discipline in accordance with the law enforcement agency's disciplinary matrix. Members of the ACC receive compensation, and are required to attend 40 hours of in-person training pursuant to the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission prior to serving.
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Henry P. Callegary
Phone: 410-887-2450
Email: hcallegary@baltimorecountymd.gov; PAB@baltimorecountymd.gov
The Adult Public Guardianship Review Board evaluates the health status and welfare of Baltimore County residents whose guardianship is held by a public agency and makes advisory recommendations to the Court regarding a guardianship.
Department of Social Services
Drumcastle Government Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Sheile McAllister
Phone: 410-887-2773
The Affordable Housing Work Group reviews progress to date, examines ongoing challenges, and develops actionable recommendations to further support and incentivize the creation of affordable housing units.
Office of the County Executive
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Lisa Morris
Phone: 410-887-2460
The Commission on Aging advises the Department of Aging on policy issues and provides a liaison between groups working on behalf of Baltimore County senior citizens.
Department of Aging
611 Central Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Director: Laura D. Riley
Phone: 410-887-2109
The Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board acts in an advisory capacity to County and state government on matters involving the protection of agricultural land, agricultural uses and promotion of agricultural industry. It also cooperates with other agencies such as Extension Service and Soil Conservation District in carrying out its responsibilities.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Department of Planning
Jefferson Building, Suite 101
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Megan Benjamin
Phone: 410-887-3480
The Agriculture Advisory Board will formulate and make proposals for the advancement of Baltimore County agriculture by serving as an advisory body to the administration, County Council, and County and state legislators on matters pertaining to agriculture.
Contact: Jessica Armacost
Email: jjarmacost@baltimorecountymd.gov
Phone: 410-887-6470
The function of the Animal Hearing Board is to hear and decide all contested civil cases and cases referred by the Animal Control Division concerning the enforcement of Article 12 of the County Code.
Department of Health
Drumcastle Government Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Kathy Wynn
Phone: 410-887-2702
The Baltimore Regional Water Governance Task Force was established under state law to make recommendations to modernize the governance of the Baltimore region’s water and wastewater utilities to help ensure residents efficiently, equitably and sustainably receive high-quality services.
The Board of Appeals hears and decides a variety of appeals, as provided by statute, arising from zoning decisions, disability retirement cases, building permits, code violations, the Animal Hearing Board and other matters.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Board of Appeals
Jefferson Building, Suite 203
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Krysundra L. Cannington
Phone: 410-887-3180
The Commission on Arts and Sciences acts in an advisory capacity to County government to promote and support performing and visual arts and sciences in the County. The Commission makes recommendations to the County Executive regarding financial support to artists, arts institutions and community organizations sponsoring arts activities that serve Baltimore County citizens.
Department of Economic and Workforce Development
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Phone: 410-887-4808
The Behavioral Health Advisory Council advocates for a culturally competent and comprehensive behavioral health system for persons of all ages, acts as an advisory group to the Baltimore County Bureau of Behavioral Health that serves as the Core Service Agency and Local Addiction Authority for the County and develops priorities and strategies to meet the behavioral health prevention, treatment and recovery needs of the County.
Department of Heath
Drumcastle Government Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Kathy Wynn
Phone: 410-887-2702
The Blue Ribbon Commission on Ethics and Accountability will study Baltimore County’s existing ethics laws and laws concerning the Office of Inspector General, and provide recommendations to ensure existing policies align with national best practices and identify any additional policies, functions or innovative practices to strengthen existing law.
Executive Office
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Email: BlueRibbonEthics@ubalt.edu
The Blue Ribbon Procurement Commission evaluates the County’s existing procurement, purchasing and contracting policies and makes recommendations for making processes more efficient and effective. The Commission also examines trends in procurement and contracting that impact small and minority/women-owned business enterprises and makes recommendations for improvement.
Executive Office
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Jasmine A. Clemons
Phone: 410-887-4842
Email: BRPC@baltimorecountymd.gov
The Charter Review Commission reviews the County's Charter. The Commission will report its findings and recommendations to the County Council and County Executive in October of this year.
County Council
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland, 21204
Contact: Chris Belcastro
Phone: 410-887-3196
The Child Fatality Review Team reviews the process to understand the circumstances around child deaths, to influence policies and programs that improve child health, safety and protection, and to prevent future child deaths.
Department of Health
Drumcastle Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Kathy Wynn
Phone: 410-887-2702
The Child Protection Panel is responsible for assisting the State Citizen's Review Board for Children and the State Council on Child Abuse and Neglect in evaluating the extent to which State and local agencies are effectively discharging their child protection responsibilities.
Department of Social Services
Drumcastle Government Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Sheile McAllister
Phone: 410-887-2773
The Code Enforcement Improvement Work Group engages in stakeholder-driven discussions about Baltimore County’s Code Enforcement program to identify improvements that will enable better service to the citizens of the County.
Department of Permits, Approvals and Inspections
111 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Director: Pete Gutwald
Email: CEIW@baltimorecountymd.gov
The purpose of the Community Reinvestment and Repair Commission (CRRC) is to make recommendations for the use of funds in the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund (CRRF). The CRRF was established as a result of the legalization of recreational adult-use cannabis.
Jefferson Building
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Director: Sevetra Peoples
Email: DEI@baltimorecountymd.gov
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) studies the Baltimore County juvenile and criminal justice systems to identify deficiencies and formulate policy, plans and programs for improvement.
The Human Trafficking Work Group is a cross-functional work group created to address the complex issue of human trafficking in coordination with the County’s Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC).
The Design Review Panel acts in a consulting and advisory capacity to the agencies in the interagency process for reviewing development plans under Section 32-4-203 in certain designated areas of the County. The panel is charged with applying the guidelines, plans and architectural principles in order to encourage design excellence.
Department of Planning
Jefferson Building, Suite 201
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Jenifer Nugent
Phone: 410-887-3482
The Commission on Disabilities serves as an advisory, referral and coordinating agency for the delivery of services to citizens with disabilities residing in Baltimore County.
Department of Planning
Jefferson Building, Suite 201
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Jay Doyle
Phone: 410-887-3317
The Community Advisory Council advocates for, engages in and responds to issues, concerns and needs of County residents as it relates to diversity, inclusion and equity.
The Employee Advisory Council advocates for, engages in and responds to issues, concerns and needs of the County workforce as it relates to diversity, inclusion and equity across government.
Office of the County Executive
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Troy Williams
Phone: 410-887-2450
The Drug Overdose Lethality Review Team identifies system and service issues and makes recommendations to the state to assist in preventing drug and alcohol deaths.
Department of Health
Drumcastle Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Kathy Wynn
Phone: 410-887-2702
The Economic Development Advisory Board’s primary mission is to gather and provide input on topics such as economic development, workforce development, tourism, arts and culture and community redevelopment activities.
Office of Economic and Workforce Development
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Phone: 410-887-8000
The Board of Education of Baltimore County is authorized by law to determine the educational policies of the County and the rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the schools.
Visit the Board of Education website.
The Electrical Administrative Board oversees and enforces the licensing of electricians and electrical business in the County.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Permits, Approvals and Inspections
County Office Building, Room G21
111 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Director: Pete Gutwald
Phone: 410-887-3353
The Baltimore County Advisory Commission on Environmental Quality (CEQ) educates the community on making environmentally sustainable decisions and enlightening, advising and initiating dialogue with County officials. The CEQ facilitates communication between the County government and its residents on environmental needs, programs and legislation.
Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability (EPS)
County Office Building, Room 319
111 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Director: David Lykens
Phone: 410-887-3733
The Ethics Commission is charged with the responsibility of collecting and reviewing financial disclosure forms submitted by County officials and assuring that standards of conduct as provided by the Ethics Laws of Baltimore County are abided by.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Ethics Commission
Historic Courthouse, Room T105
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Kelly Madigan
Phone: 410-887-6500
The Equitable Policing Work Group will examine policing policies and practices and make recommendations for ensuring equitable policing in Baltimore County.
Chairman: Troy Williams
Phone: 410-887-3139
The Fair Election Fund Commission will be responsible for estimating the amount of funding needed during the upcoming 2026 election cycle and making annual recommendations to the County Executive on the level of appropriations needed in each forthcoming budget.
Office of Budget and Finance
400 Washington Avenue, Room 150
Towson, Maryland 21204
Email: sspencer@baltimorecountymd.gov
The Fair Election Fund Work Group was created to ensure that Baltimore County’s public campaign finance system reflects best practices in equalizing access to the electoral process.
The Board of Health establishes policies pertaining to health services within the County, including the system of public health clinics. The Board investigates and studies the causes of disease, epidemics and nuisances affecting public health and the prevention of contagious diseases.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Department of Health
Drumcastle Government Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Kathy Wynn
Phone: 410-887-2702
The Human Relations Commission is responsible for approaching the problem of interagency relations in a broad and comprehensive manner in the areas of employment, housing, education, public accommodations and in any other field where intergroup relations are in question.
Office of Human Relations
Jefferson Building
105 West Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 300
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Sevetra Peoples
Phone: 410-887-5917
The Immigrant Affairs Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the County government as a means to advocate for immigrant voices to be heard and understood, while acknowledging issues of importance to all immigrants.
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Giuliana Valencia-Banks
Email: immigrantaffairs@baltimorecountymd.gov
The Landmarks Preservation Commission provides for the protection, enhancement and perpetuation of those structures and districts in the County of historical architectural, archeological or cultural merit.
Department of Planning
Jefferson Building, Suite 101
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Caitlin Merritt
Phone: 410-887-3495
The Board of Library Trustees operates the library, determines policy and adopts rules, regulations and bylaws for the use of the library and conduct of its business.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Visit the Baltimore County Public Library website.
The Board of Liquor License Commissioners issues the alcoholic beverages licenses provided for by state law in Baltimore County and inspections relating to liquor licenses.
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
County Office Building, Room G-14
111 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Mike Mohler
Phone: 410-887-3191
The Local Health Improvement Coalition (LHIC) is comprised of partnerships from across Baltimore County government, private industry and education. Any interested party may join the coalition or any of its subcommittees at any time. The LHIC supports the Maryland State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) in its efforts to improve population health by joint sponsorship of activities and events.
Department of Health
Drumcastle Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Rosemary Burrell
Phone: 410-887-1510
The Local Management Board maximizes the efficient and effective delivery of government and private resources to families and children so that they may lead self-sufficient, healthy and safe lives.
Health Department
Drumcastle Center
6401 York Road, Third Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Don Schlimm
Phone: 410-887-8727
The New Americans Task Force was established to develop a New American integration and inclusion plan that addresses the social and economic challenges in Baltimore County's New American community.
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Giuliana Valencia-Banks
Phone: 410-887-7950
The Opioid Response Working Group consists of a panel of experts who will gather information and make recommendations for how the County can strategically address the opioid crisis.
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the County Executive and County Council. The committee is charged with several duties and responsibilities for advancing pedestrian and bicycle improvements in Baltimore County.
Department of Planning
Jefferson Building, Suite 101
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Jessie Bialek
Phone: 410-887-3482
The Personnel and Salary Advisory Board is in place to advise and consult, as appropriate, with the County Executive, the County Administrative Officer, the Director of Human Resources and other County officials and employees on matters concerning the administration of the County Career Service, the Charter, the Personnel Act and the Personnel Rules and Regulations.
Office of Human Resources
308 Allegheny Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Director: Renee Coleman
Phone: 410-887-3139
The Planning Board works in an advisory role to provide recommendations to the Baltimore County Council, County Executive and Administrative Law Judges—as established by the County Charter, County Code, Council bills and resolutions/Executive Order—on matters affecting land use, community development, and short- and long-range planning within Baltimore County.
Department of Planning
Jefferson Building, Suite 101
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Taylor Bensley
Phone: 410-887-3482
The Police Accountability Board works with law enforcement agencies and the County government to improve matters of policing.
Email: PAB@baltimorecountymd.gov
The Plumbing and Gasfitting Board sets and enforces the rules and regulations, subject to County Council approval, required to enforce plumbing, gasfitting and related licensing, and the Plumbing and Gas Fitting Code.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Permits, Approvals and Inspections
County Office Building,
Suite 105
111 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Director: Pete Gutwald
Phone: 410-887-3353
The Professional Services Selection Committee selects consultants for the purpose of providing professional engineering, architectural and landscape architectural services on Baltimore County projects supported in whole, or in part, by public funds.
Department of Public Works and Transportation
County Office Building,
Suite 307
111 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Director: D'Andrea Walker
Phone: 410-887-3300
The Board of Recreation and Parks provides overall guidance and direction in the formulation of plans and policy for public recreation and the acquisition of park land and open spaces, and is responsible for the organization of recreation councils.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Department of Recreation and Parks
9831 Van Buren Lane
Cockeysville, Maryland 21030
Acting Director: Bob Smith
Phone: 410-887-3871
The Residential Truck Traffic Work Group was created to address the high volumes of commercial truck traffic on local roadways within communities in the southeastern and southwestern regions of the County.
The responsibility for the proper operation of the Retirement System and for making effective the provisions of Article V, Title 1 of the County Code is vested in an eleven-member Board of Trustees. The general administration of the Retirement System is vested in the Director of the Office of Budget and Finance.
Office of Budget and Finance
Historic Courthouse, Mezzanine
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland, 21204
Director: Kevin D. Reed, Secretary for the Board
Phone: 410-887-3313
The Baltimore County Revenue Authority provides public parking services and operates municipal golf courses and sports complexes in the County.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Contact the Revenue Authority.
The function of the Solid Waste Work Group will examine the County’s current solid waste collection and disposal policies and practices, and will make recommendations for improving operations and reducing the amount of trash being produced in Baltimore County.
The Tobacco-Free Baltimore County Coalition is a community coalition that examines the provision of tobacco services in the County, including education, enforcement, cessation and outreach activities.
Department of Health
Drumcastle Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Vicki Keller
Phone: 410-887-3828
The Tourism Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the County Office of Tourism on matters related to the tourism industry and promotional events.
Office of Tourism
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Phone: 410-887-2460
Each law enforcement agency in Baltimore County shall establish a trial board for the purpose of adjudicating matters of law enforcement discipline. Each trial board shall be composed of an active or retired Administrative Law Judge (or, alternatively, a retired District Court or Circuit Court Judge), a law enforcement officer of equal rank to the officer accused of misconduct, and a member of the public appointed by the Police Accountability Board. Civilian members of the trial board receive compensation and are required to receive two days of in-person training with the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission prior to serving.
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Henry P. Callegary
Phone: 410-887-2450
Email: hcallegary@baltimorecountymd.gov; PAB@baltimorecountymd.gov
The Combating Underage Drinking Coalition discusses and develops strategies to reduce underage and college excessive drinking and related consequences. Community members are welcome to attend.
Department of Health
Drumcastle Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Vicki Keller
Phone: 410-887-3828
The Commission on Veterans’ Affairs was established to support veterans and their families residing in Baltimore County. The Commission is charged with communication between government agencies, businesses, educational institutions, and veterans in the county, with the intent that veterans' issues will be addressed in the most effective and efficient manner; and providing assistance, guidance, and information to government agencies, businesses, educational institutions, and the broader community to ensure adequate consideration of veterans in education, employment, training and public programs.
Office of Community Engagement
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Patrick Taylor
Phone: 410-887-5652
The West Baltimore County Redevelopment Authority (WBCRA) will have the power to make recommendations to the County to acquire, develop, redevelop, or dispose of certain land or property in west Baltimore County, which is the geographic area between Liberty Road, Baltimore National Pike, Rolling Road, and the City/County boundary.
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Tucker Cavanagh
Phone: 410-887-2450
Email: tcavanagh@baltimorecountymd.gov
The Commission for Women acts in an advisory capacity to County government on matters involving the needs of women and on matters relating to discrimination and prejudice on the basis of sex, and makes recommendations it deems necessary to promote and ensure equal rights and opportunities for all women.
Executive Office
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Contact: Carmen Christiana
Phone: 410-887-2450
The Workforce Development Board's primary responsibility is to provide policy guidance and oversight of the local workforce development system.
Office of Economic and Workforce Development
Historic Courthouse
400 Washington Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Director: Leonard Howie
Phone: 410-887-8000
The Working Group on Resource Coordination to Support Victims of Sexual Exploitation, Violence, and Domestic Abuse is tasked with making recommendations to bolster the County’s ongoing efforts to support survivors of sexual and domestic violence.
The Youth Climate Initiative Work Group was established to engage the County’s youth in an examination of the impacts of climate change on them, the County and our future, and to provide the County Executive with recommendations for County initiatives to combat climate change.
Contact: Stephen Lafferty
Phone: 410-887-2763
The function of the Board of Social Services is to support and guide the Department of Social Services in its mission of promoting individual well-being, stronger families and communities, protecting vulnerable children and adults from abuse and neglect, and providing the tools to help people achieve economic independence to our County population.
Please note that appointed members to certain boards or commissions are required to file an annual disclosure statement. This requirement is mandated by statute.
Department of Social Services
Drumcastle Government Center
6401 York Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21212
Contact: Kathy Wynn
Phone: 410-887-2702