Emergency Plans
Baltimore County maintains a high level of readiness for natural and man-made disasters and a variety of hazards. The Emergency Operations Plan and Hazard Mitigation Plan Update describe the management and coordinated responses to such disasters and hazards.
Baltimore County follows an Emergency Operations Plan in times of crisis, including natural disasters and severe weather emergencies.
The plan defines the roles and responsibilities of Baltimore County Government, private and volunteer organizations and state and federal agencies within the County.
The Baltimore County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update discusses hazards that pose potential threats to Baltimore County. The plan includes explanations of factors that create risk for each hazard and a history of major hazard events within the County.
Adopted, implemented and maintained on an ongoing basis, the plan is designed gradually, but steadily, to lessen the impacts associated with hazard events in Baltimore County.
Learn more about our plan. You can submit comments on the plan to emergencymanagement@baltimorecountymd.gov.