Zoning Hearings - 6504 Greenspring Avenue
Case Number: 2023-0218-SPHA
Location: Westside of Greenspring Avenue, 184 ft. south of centerline of Farrington Road
3rd Election District
Legal Owner: Elaine Brown
Contract Purchaser/Lessee: Kollel of Greenspring, Inc.
Special Hearing 1. Pursuant to BCZR, Section 1B04.1.B.1.h. to confirm that the Residential Transition Area (RTA) provisions contained in BCZR, Sec. 1B01.1.B.1, paragraphs A thru E, shall not apply to the property as an existing development (part of a residential subdivision approved by the Baltimore County Planning Board). 2. If necessary, Special Hearing to confirm the provisions of BCZR, Sec. 1B01.1.B.1.(g).(6) are satisfied, because the site plan for the new church is planned in such a way that compliance to the extent possible with RTA use requirements, will be maintained and that said plan can otherwise be expected to be compatible with the character and general welfare of the surrounding residential premises. 3. To allow a modified plan from the requirements for parking spaces pursuant to Sec. 409.12.B of the BCZR. Variance 1. BCZR, Section 1B01.2.C, to permit side yard setbacks a minimum of 11 ft., in lieu of the required 20 ft. and a variance from BCZR, Sec. 1B01.2.C, to permit a front yard setback of 25 ft., in lieu of the required 40 ft. 2. If necessary, a variance from BCZR, Sections 409.3, 409.4, 409.6.A.4 and 409.8 to permit 3 nonstandard parking spaces, in lieu of the required 13 spaces. 3. If necessary, a variance from BCZR, Section 1B01.1.B.1.e.3 to permit an RTA Buffer of 11 ft., in lieu of the required 50 ft. 4. If necessary, a variance from BCZR, Sec. 1B04.1.B.1.e.5 to permit an RTA Setback to be as little as 11 ft. for the existing improvements, in lieu of the required 75 ft.
To call into the hearing, dial US Toll 1-415-655-0001, Access Code: 231 475 03949
Webinar Password: 4321 (from phones and video systems)