Supportive Housing Programs
PUBLIC NOTICE: The Baltimore County Department of Housing and Community Development, Office of Housing public hearing for the 2025 proposed plan scheduled for Thursday, March 27 at 6 p.m. via WebEx has been canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date.
Lobby Hours of Operation
The Office of Housing lobby hours at the Drumcastle Government Center at 6401 York Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21212, are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday.
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is committed to administering rental assistance programs to effectively address the housing needs of low-income families.
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administrative plan
Baltimore County Office of Housing Administrative Plan, effective July 1, 2021, indicates the management of the Housing Choice Voucher program in accordance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations.
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, formerly known as Section 8, helps families pay their rent. The need for rent subsidies is great, and our supply is limited. Families are placed on the waiting list based on the date and time of application. Learn more in the Housing Choice Voucher Program Participant Guide.
The DHCD waiting lists the following Project-Based Voucher programs are open:
- TABCO Towers (62 and older)
- Lyon Homes 1 one-, two- and three-bedrooms (disabled household)
- Lyon Homes 2 two- and three-bedroom accessible units (disabled household)
- Remington (disabled household)
View information about the Baltimore County Emergency Housing Voucher Program.
If you are interested in being placed on the waiting lists for these programs, you may access the Applicant Portal to complete an online waiting list application.
The DHCD waiting lists for the Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Project-Based Voucher Program for Dunfield Townhomes are closed effective July 15, 2018, and will remain closed. DHCD will not be accepting any preliminary applications for these programs until further notice.
Families with the earliest date and time of application are served first. When families are selected from the waiting list and determined eligible, they receive a Housing Choice Voucher Program rental subsidy.
Participating families may use the assistance in their current homes or move to other rental housing that meets their needs and program requirements. A house or an apartment must meet Housing Quality Standards, and the rent must be reasonable compared to other rents in the neighborhood before rental assistance is approved.
Families and individuals whose incomes are below set income limits are eligible for the program. All participants must provide required information on Social Security numbers, citizenship or immigration status, plus detailed income and family information at the time of interview. Some additional eligibility and documentation requirements also apply.
If you are currently on the waiting list and need to update your application, you may complete an online waiting list update.
Baltimore County Office of Housing is committed to offering high quality rental assistance programs that effectively meet the needs of low-income individuals and families. The Plans illustrate program management policies and requirements.
View the Administrative Plan, effective July 1, 2021.
If you are an owner or property manager with one or more available units and are interested in participating in the Housing Choice Voucher Program, please send a letter of interest to
The Affordable Housing services helps residents locate affordable, available rental units in areas they choose to live in the County.
The U.S. Department of Urban Development Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program combines HUD’s long-term rental assistance with ongoing U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) case management and clinical services. HUD-VASH helps homeless veterans obtain housing. The Baltimore County Office of Housing is responsible for determining eligibility for rental assistance, issuing the voucher, processing the leasing and making monthly housing assistance payments to landlords.
The HUD-VASH Program targets homeless veterans with incomes at or below 50 percent of the area median income. Veterans’ discharge status must be other than dishonorable. Veterans can qualify for this program even if they are staying with friends or relatives or have had past periods of homelessness. If veterans need help finding housing, assistance will be provided even if they do not qualify for the HUD-VASH program.
The VA screens and selects veterans for the program.
For more information, contact Gloristine Vines, LCSW-C, HUD-VASH Coordinator, at or 410-637-1339.
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) is an innovative, voluntary program that helps Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) participants achieve economic independence over a five-year period. Participants work with a case manager to assess their strengths, identify barriers, set goals and achieve them. FSS also helps participants with:
- Career counseling
- Education
- Training
- English as a second language
- Job readiness
- Child care
- Transportation
- Self-esteem
- Money management
- Savings
- Employment
- Home ownership
- Credit counseling
HCV participants whose goal is economic independence are eligible to participate in the program. Once the head or co-head of the household signs an FSS Contract of Participation, all family members in the home who are 18 years or older are also eligible for services.
Through the FSS Program, you can develop your job skills and gain the training you need to achieve economic independence. With your case manager as your advocate, you and other adult family members will access the resources you need to achieve short-term and long-term goals.
Normally, when income increases and you live in subsidized housing, your rent will increase. However, if you participate in the FSS program and your earned income increases, the Department of Housing and Community Development will put a portion of your rent increase into an escrow savings account.
When you accomplish your goal of self-sufficiency within the period of your FSS contract, you will graduate and receive the money in your escrow savings account, which will have earned interest.
You may participate in the FSS program for up to five years. In some cases, FSS may extend the contract for two more years. You will graduate from FSS when you have achieved self-sufficiency—that means when you no longer need temporary cash assistance.
For more information and how to enroll in the FSS Program, call 410-887-4197.
Follow the interim change reporting procedures to report a change in household members, income and expenses.
If you have not been able to find a suitable unit within 60 days of receiving your housing voucher, complete and submit the Housing Voucher Extension Form.
Payment Standards are determined based on the HUD-established Fair Market Rents (FMR) for the Baltimore County jurisdiction. The payment standards determine the maximum subsidy that can be paid on behalf of a family to a landlord. The Data Summary Sheet provides the current FMRs and payment standards.
The Department has Reasonable Accommodations Coordinators to assist voucher applicants and participants with making reasonable accommodation or modification requests for their rental units. Contact the Reasonable Accommodation Coordinators at 410-887-3435, or email
Conciliation housing accessibility modification program
The Conciliation Housing Accessibility Modification Program (CHAMP) provides funding for structural modifications to rental units occupied by voucher holders. The modifications accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities including hearing, physical or vision impairment.
To be eligible, the head of household must:
- Participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program or another federally-issued housing voucher
- Have at least one member with a disability
- Reside in Baltimore County
- Have a current and signed lease
Allowable modifications under CHAMP are based on the specific needs of the disabled family member. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Department of Housing and Community Development and must be approved by the landlord.
Housing Choice Voucher Program or other federally-funded housing voucher program participants seeking assistance through CHAMP can submit a completed application by email to or by fax to 410-887-8804, Attention: Reasonable Accommodation Coordinators.
For more information or assistance with the application, contact the Reasonable Accommodation Coordinators at 410-887-3435, or email