Housing Stability
Baltimore County is not accepting new intake forms for rental assistance.
If you are a tenant receiving a Housing Choice Voucher or other rental subsidy through the Baltimore County Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), and facing financial hardship, please contact the Office of Housing to submit your Interim Change form.
If you meet the following criteria, you may be eligible for available funds.
- Baltimore County resident
- At risk of losing rental housing due to financial hardship or income loss, or qualify for unemployment
- At or below 80 percent area median income (detailed below)
- Have not previously received federal rental assistance.
Per federal funding guidelines, households with incomes less than 50 percent of AMI and households with one or more members that have been unemployed for at least 90 days prior to the household's application for assistance are to be prioritized.
Applicants must have gross annual income at or below the following levels to be eligible:
Household Size | Gross Annual Income Limit |
1 | $68,450 |
2 | $78,200 |
3 | $88,000 |
4 | $97,750 |
5 | $105,600 |
6 | $113,400 |
7 | $121,250 |
8 | $129,050 |
For possible representation at your hearing, the following organizations have partnered with the County to offer limited legal services.
- Maryland Legal Aid Bureau, Inc.—In order to be represented by Maryland Legal Aid, you must open a case with their organization. Call 410-427-1800 during business hours, Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., to begin the process. Representation by Maryland Legal Aid is offered at no cost for income-qualified persons.
- Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland—The Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland (PBRC) offers free legal assistance to tenants whose landlords have filed a court case against them. In some cases, the attorneys can offer advice or assistance with cases where a judgment has already been entered. Call PBRC's Tenant Hotline at 443-703-3053 and leave a detailed message including your name and contact information.
Baltimore County residents are also eligible for the following resources:
- Homelessness—For those currently homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless, call 410-887-8463, select option 1 for assistance.
- Benefits Screening—Income eligible residents can qualify for public benefit programs such food assistance, utility assistance, healthcare and more. Visit Cash Campaign of Maryland to register for benefits screening.
- District Court Self-Help Resource Centers—Residents who have already received an eviction notice or have a court date can contact the centers, which provide free, limited, legal services for individuals who are not represented by an attorney in civil cases. The centers can be reached on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. by calling 410-260-1392 or via online chat.