Job Titles and Salaries
There are currently more than 514 classes of work in the Classification Plan. The class titles, pay grades, and minimum and maximum salaries are listed by occupational series. More specific information about job duties and requirements are available through our alphabetical listings.
1.100 | General Administrative Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
1.107 | Records Management Officer | VI | 28 |
1.115 | Lease Coordinator | I | 23 |
1.128 | Public Information Specialist | I | 26 |
1.135 | Mail Room Supervisor | I | 22 |
1.136 | Safety Officer | I | 27 |
1.137 | Training and Emergency Operations Coordinator | I | 28 |
1.145 | Benefits Specialist | VI | 27 |
1.146 | Senior Benefits Specialist | VI | 30 |
1.165 | Minority Business Enterprise Officer |
XII | 1M |
1.173 | Legal Assistant | VI | 23 |
1.178 | Management Analyst I | VI | 26 |
1.179 | Management Analyst II | VI | 29 |
1.180 | Management Analyst III | XII | 2M |
1.181 | Management Analyst IV | XII | 4M |
1.190 | Claims Assistant | VI | 24 |
1.191 | Claims Adjuster | XII | 1M |
1.192 | Senior Claims Adjuster | XII | 3M |
1.195 | Medical Vocational Coordinator | XII | 3M |
1.197 | Claims Management Auditor | XII | 3M |
1.200 | General Clerical Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
1.235 | Clerk | I | 16 |
1.236 | Office Clerk | I | 17 |
1.237 | Shop Clerk | I | 19 |
1.238 | Criminal Records Processor | I | 20 |
1.239 | Criminal Records Supervisor | I | 23 |
1.240 | Property Clerk | I | 19 |
1.241 | Criminal Information Processor | I | 18 |
1.243 | Information Processing Supervisor | VI | 23 |
1.244 | Information Processing Manager | VI | 25 |
1.247 | Property Clerk Supervisor | I | 21 |
1.248 | Customer Service Coordinator | I | 21 |
1.300 | Office Machine Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
1.318 | Data Entry Operator | I | 17 |
1.319 | Data Monitor | I | 20 |
1.321 | Data Quality and Reporting Analyst | I | 22 |
1.400 | Human Resources Administration Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
1.405 | Human Resources Assistant | VI | 23 |
1.411 | Human Resources Analyst I | VI | 27 |
1.412 | Human Resources Analyst II | VI | 30 |
1.413 | Human Resources Analyst III | XII | 2M |
1.414 | Human Resources Analyst IV | XII | 6M |
1.418 | Deputy Director of Human Resources | XII | 6M |
1.500 | Typing and Stenographic Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
1.525 | Legal Secretary | I | 21 |
1.530 | Legal Administrative Secretary | VI | 25 |
1.551 | Executive Secretary | VI | 27 |
1.600 | Office Administration Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
1.600 | Office Assistant | I | 19 |
1.601 | Office Coordinator | VI | 21 |
1.602 | Office Administrator | VI | 23 |
2.100 | Professional Planning and Zoning Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
2.105 | Planner I | I | 26 |
2.106 | Planner II | I | 29 |
2.107 | Planner III | XII | 3M |
2.108 | Planner IV | XII | 5M |
2.110 | Landscape Architect | I | 32 |
2.115 | Project Manager | XII | 1M |
2.116 | Development Manager | XII | 3M |
2.122 | Zoning Supervisor | XII | 1M |
2.130 | Deputy Director of Permits and Development Management | XII | 6M |
2.134 | Deputy Director of Planning | XII | 6M |
2.200 | Sub-Professional Planning and Zoning Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
2.204 | Planning and Zoning Associate | I | 21 |
2.300 | Real Estate Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
2.309 | Title Examination Supervisor | XII | 3M |
2.314 | Appraiser | I | 25 |
2.320 | Review Appraiser | I | 28 |
2.321 | Appraisal Review Supervisor | XII | 1M |
2.322 | Senior Review Appraiser | I | 30 |
2.323 | Real Estate Specialist I | I | 25 |
2.324 | Real Estate Specialist II | I | 28 |
2.325 | Real Estate Specialist III | I | 30 |
2.331 | Contact, Negotiation, and Appraisal Supervisor |
XII | 3M |
2.346 | Chief of Real Estate | XII | 6M |
2.347 | Chief of Property Management and Land Acquisition | XII | 6M |
2.400 | Professional Engineering Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
2.405 | Engineer I | I | 27 |
2.406 | Engineer II | I | 31 |
2.407 | Engineer III | XII | 4M |
2.408 | Engineer IV | XII | 6M |
2.421 | Chief of Design | XII | 7M |
2.422 | Chief, Bureau of Engineering and Construction | XII | 7M |
2.500 | Public Works Administration Series |
Pay Schedule | Grade |
2.516 | Deputy Director of Public Works |
XII | 8M |
2.600 | Sub-Professional Engineering Series |
Pay Schedule | Grade |
2.628 | Engineering Assistant | I | 22 |
2.635 | Engineering Associate I | I | 23 |
2.636 | Engineering Associate II | I | 26 |
2.637 | Engineering Associate III | I | 29 |
2.638 | Engineering Associate IV | VI | 31 |
2.639 | Engineering Program Manager | XII | 1M |
2.641 | Engineering Aide | I | 18 |
2.642 | Instrument Operator | I | 22 |
2.647 | Survey Crew Chief | I | 29 |
2.652 | Chief of Surveys | XII | 3M |
2.655 | Property Management Specialist | XII | 1M |
2.656 | Property Management Coordinator | XII | 2M |
2.662 | Public Services Estimator | I | 22 |
2.700 | Public Works Inspection Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
2.711 | Materials Inspector | I | 21 |
2.717 | Public Works Inspector | I | 25 |
2.718 | Public Works Chief Inspector | VI | 30 |
2.720 | Chief of Construction Contracts Administration | XII | 5M |
3.100 | Professional Accounting and Auditing Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
3.118 | Accountant I | I | 26 |
3.119 | Accountant II | I | 31 |
3.120 | Accountant III | XII | 4M |
3.123 | Accountant II—Certified | XII | 1M |
3.124 | Accountant III—Certified | XII | 5M |
3.125 | Accountant IV—Certified | XII | 7M |
3.127 | Chief Accountant | XII | 7M |
3.135 | Investment Analyst I | XII | 2M |
3.136 | Investment Analyst II | XII | 4M |
3.139 | Investment and Debt Management Administrator |
XII | 8M |
3.140 | Chief Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance | XII | 7M |
3.200 | Sub-Professional Accounting and Related Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
3.205 | Account Clerk I | I | 17 |
3.206 | Account Clerk II | I | 20 |
3.207 | Account Clerk III | I | 22 |
3.212 | Cashier | I | 21 |
3.214 | Weighmaster | I | 21 |
3.300 | Data Processing Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
3.301 | Data Processing Operator Trainee | I | 18 |
3.302 | Data Processing Operator I | I | 20 |
3.303 | Data Processing Lead Operator | I | 24 |
3.304 | Data Processing Operator II | I | 22 |
3.312 | Production and Security Technician | I | 20 |
3.314 | Data Processing Operations Supervisor | VI | 28 |
3.317 | Data Processing Technician | I | 18 |
3.319 | Security Analyst I | VI | 25 |
3.320 | Security Analyst II | VI | 28 |
3.321 | Security Analyst III | XII | 1M |
3.322 | Systems Programmer I | VI | 28 |
3.323 | Systems Programmer II | VI | 31 |
3.324 | Systems Programmer III | VI | 33 |
3.331 | PC Network Support Manager | XII | 3M |
3.344 | Office Automation Assistant | I | 25 |
3.345 | Office Automation Analyst | I | 28 |
3.346 | Senior Local Area Network Administrator | I | 30 |
3.347 | Local Area Network Administrator | I | 28 |
3.348 | Geographic Information Systems Analyst |
XII | 2M |
3.350 | Geographic Information System Specialist I | I | 27 |
3.351 | Geographic Information System Specialist II | I | 30 |
3.352 | Geographic Information System Specialist III | XII | 2M |
3.354 | Geographic Information Systems Senior Analyst | XII | 3M |
3.355 | Applications Programmer | I | 26 |
3.356 | Programmer Analyst I | I | 28 |
3.357 | Programmer Analyst II | I | 31 |
3.358 | Programmer Analyst III | I | 33 |
3.363 | Systems Analyst | XII | 3M |
3.369 | Information Technology Security Officer | XII | 3M |
3.370 | Information Technology Service Desk Manager | XII | 3M |
3.378 | Information Technology Senior Project Manager |
XII | 3M |
3.380 | Information Technology Project Manager |
XII | 2M |
3.382 | Business Applications Manager | XII | 6M |
3.385 | Chief Service Delivery Officer | XII | 4M |
3.388 | Electronic Information Manager | XII | 3M |
3.397 | Chief Technology Officer—Police Department | XII | 5M |
3.398 | Deputy Director of Information Technology | XII | 8M |
3.400 | Budget Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
3.410 | Staff Budget and Management Analyst | XII | 2M |
3.411 | Senior Budget and Management Analyst | XII | 4M |
3.412 | Principal Budget and Management Analyst | XII | 6M |
3.413 | Deputy Director of Budget and Finance | XII | 8M |
3.500 | Financial Operations Supervision Series |
Pay Schedule | Grade |
3.505 | Financial Operations Supervisor I |
I | 26 |
3.506 | Financial Operations Supervisor II |
I | 28 |
3.507 | Financial Operations Supervisor III |
XII | 3M |
3.508 | Financial Operations Supervisor IV |
XII | 4M |
4.100 | Public Health General Administration Series |
Pay Schedule | Grade |
4.108 | Outreach Worker | I | 19 |
4.110 | Public Health Educator I | I | 27 |
4.111 | Public Health Educator II | VI | 28 |
4.115 | Public Health Investigator I | I | 25 |
4.116 | Public Health Investigator II | I | 28 |
4.117 | Public Health Investigator III | XII | 2M |
4.118 | Chief of Communicable Disease Control |
XII | 3M |
4.119 | Chief, Bureau of Prevention, Protection and Preparedness | XII | 5M |
4.120 | Chief of Medical Environmental Health | XII | 3M |
4.130 | Chief, Bureau of Administrative Services |
XII | 5M |
4.141 | Chief, Quality Improvement | XII | 5M |
4.200 | Public Health Nursing and Related Series |
Pay Schedule | Grade |
4.206 | Nursing Assistant | I | 21 |
4.222 | Nurse Practitioner | III | 21N |
4.223 | Nurse Practitioner (10 Months) | III | 21N |
4.224 | Public Health Nurse (10 Months) | III | 17N |
4.226 | Public Health Nurse | III | 18N |
4.227 | Public Health Nurse Supervisor | XII | 2M |
4.228 | Public Health Nurse Administrator |
XII | 4M |
4.231 | Chief, Nursing Services | XII | 5M |
4.233 | Hearing and Vision Technician (10 Months) |
I | 19 |
4.236 | Hearing and Vision Technician | I | 19 |
4.238 | Hearing and Vision Supervisor | VI | 25 |
4.243 | Nutrition Fields Coordinator | I | 18 |
4.244 | Assistant Community Nutritionist | I | 21 |
4.246 | Community Nutritionist | I | 25 |
4.247 | Nutritionist I | I | 28 |
4.248 | Nutritionist II | XII | 1M |
4.253 | Audiologist | I | 30 |
4.254 | Speech-Language Pathologist | I | 30 |
4.256 | Speech Pathologist- Audiologist Supervisor |
XII | 1M |
4.267 | Chief, Bureau of Community Health Services | XII | 5M |
4.270 | Occupational Therapist | I | 30 |
4.300 | Environmental Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
4.306 | Environmental Services Aide | I | 17 |
4.310 | Environmental Associate | I | 21 |
4.311 | Environmental Health Specialist I | I | 28 |
4.312 | Environmental Health Specialist II | I | 30 |
4.313 | Environmental Health Specialist III | XII | 2M |
4.317 | Natural Resource Specialist I | I | 26 |
4.318 | Natural Resource Specialist II | I | 30 |
4.319 | Natural Resource Specialist III | XII | 1M |
4.320 | Natural Resource Associate | I | 21 |
4.321 | Hydrologist I | I | 28 |
4.322 | Hydrologist II | XII | 3M |
4.323 | Geohydrologist I | VI | 28 |
4.324 | Deputy Director, Environmental Protection and Resource Management | XII | 6M |
4.326 | Natural Resource Supervisor | XII | 3M |
4.327 | Natural Resource Manager | XII | 5M |
4.329 | Geohydrologist II | XII | 5M |
4.400 | Specialized Professional Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
4.401 | Social Work Associate | I | 26 |
4.405 | Alcohol and Drug Counselor Trainee | I | 20 |
4.406 | Alcohol and Drug Counselor I | I | 24 |
4.407 | Alcohol and Drug Counselor II | I | 26 |
4.408 | Alcohol and Drug Counselor III | I | 32 |
4.415 | Chief, Bureau of Behavioral Health | XII | 5M |
4.432 | Social Worker I | I | 28 |
4.433 | Social Worker II | I | 32 |
4.434 | Social Worker III | XII | 3M |
4.435 | Social Work Supervisor | XII | 4M |
4.436 | Social Work Administrator | XII | 5M |
4.441 | Epidemiologist | XII | 3M |
4.450 | Psychologist | XII | 1M |
4.457 | Physician I | XI | 4D |
4.458 | Physician II | XI | 5D |
4.459 | Physician III | XI | 6D |
4.465 | Chief, Mental Health Services | XII | 4M |
4.469 | Dental Assistant | I | 23 |
4.470 | Dental Hygienist | I | 27 |
4.472 | Dentist I | XI | 1D |
4.473 | Dentist II | XI | 2D |
4.475 | Dental Administrator | I | 29 |
4.478 | Deputy Health Officer | XII | 7M |
4.479 | Deputy Director of Public Health | XI | 7D |
4.490 | Human Services Program Specialist | I | 29 |
4.496 | Human Services Assistant | I | 21 |
4.497 | Human Services Associate | I | 25 |
4.498 | Human Services Program Supervisor |
VI | 29 |
4.499 | Human Services Program Manager |
XII | 1M |
4.500 | Senior Affairs Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
4.500 | Supervisor of CountyRide | VI | 31 |
4.505 | Senior Affairs Associate I | I | 25 |
4.510 | Senior Affairs Associate II | I | 28 |
4.515 | Senior Affairs Associate III | VI | 32 |
4.520 | Senior Affairs Associate IV | XII | 4M |
4.535 | Deputy Director of Aging | XII | 6M |
5.100 | Professional Recreation and Parks Series |
Pay Schedule | Grade |
5.101 | P.A.L. Recreation Center Coordinator |
I | 26 |
5.102 | Activity Coordinator | I | 19 |
5.103 | PAL Recreation Leaders | I | 20 |
5.106 | Recreation Community Supervisor I |
VI | 26 |
5.107 | Recreation Community Supervisor II |
VI | 29 |
5.111 | Recreation Regional Coordinator | VI | 31 |
5.112 | Naturalist I | VI | 25 |
5.113 | Naturalist II | VI | 28 |
5.115 | Horticulturist | I | 28 |
5.120 | Recreation and Parks Capital Project Coordinator | VI | 30 |
5.135 | Chief of Recreation and Parks Administrative Support Services | XII | 5M |
5.136 | Chief of Park and Facility Maintenance | XII | 5M |
5.137 | Chief of Recreation Services | XII | 5M |
5.138 | Chief of Recreation and Parks Capital Planning and Development | XII | 5M |
5.141 | Deputy Director of Recreation and Parks |
XII | 6M |
5.200 | Sub-Professional Recreation and Parks Series |
Pay Schedule | Grade |
5.205 | Property Management Grounds Maintenance Crew Chief | I | 29 |
5.207 | Property Management Grounds Maintenance Supervisor | VI | 30 |
5.210 | Park Ranger I | VI | 25 |
5.211 | Park Ranger II | VI | 28 |
6.100 | General Inspection Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
6.120 | Code Inspection and Enforcement Officer I | I | 24 |
6.121 | Code Inspection and Enforcement Officer II | I | 26 |
6.122 | Chief of Code Inspection and Enforcement | XII | 3M |
6.123 | Trade Code Inspection & Enforcement Officer | I | 28 |
6.124 | Code Inspection and Enforcement Officer III | I | 28 |
6.125 | Trade Lead Code Inspection & Enforcement Officer | I | 30 |
6.137 | Environmental Inspection and Enforcement Officer I | I | 25 |
6.138 | Environmental Inspection and Enforcement Officer II | VI | 28 |
6.140 | Chief Building Inspector | VI | 33 |
6.141 | Chief Electrical Inspector | VI | 33 |
6.142 | Chief Plumbing Inspector | VI | 33 |
6.143 | Chief Mechanical Inspector | VI | 32 |
6.144 | Chief, Erosion Sediment Control Inspector | VI | 33 |
6.200 | Permits and Licenses Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
6.218 | Permit Processing Coordinator | I | 24 |
6.219 | Processing Supervisor | VI | 28 |
6.220 | Permit Services Supervisor | XII | 1M |
6.300 | Building Inspection Engineering Series |
Pay Schedule | Grade |
6.309 | Fire Protection Engineer | I | 32 |
6.310 | Chief Fire Protection Engineer | XII | 3M |
6.314 | Buildings Engineer | XII | 6M |
6.400 | Animal Control Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
6.404 | Animal Services Field Assistant | II | H16 |
6.405 | Animal Services Field Officer I | I | 21 |
6.406 | Animal Services Field Officer II | I | 23 |
6.407 | Animal Services Field Officer Supervisor | VI | 25 |
6.411 | Animal Shelter Attendant I | II | H17 |
6.412 | Animal Shelter Attendant II | II | H19 |
6.414 | Animal Shelter Supervisor | VI | 25 |
6.432 | Assistant Supervisor, Animal Services Division |
VI | 27 |
6.433 | Supervisor, Animal Services Division | XII | 3M |
7.100 | Building Maintenance Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
7.112 | Facilities Inspector | I | 25 |
7.115 | Custodial Worker I | II | H13 |
7.116 | Custodial Worker II | II | H15 |
7.117 | Custodial Worker III | II | H18 |
7.121 | Buildings Custodial Supervisor | VI | 25 |
7.123 | Building Operations Manager | VI | 28 |
7.125 | Buildings Maintenance Mechanic I | II | H16 |
7.126 | Buildings Maintenance Mechanic II | II | H20 |
7.128 | Building Maintenance Supervisor Non-Licensed |
VI | 29 |
7.129 | Building Maintenance Supervisor-Licensed | VI | 31 |
7.130 | Building Maintenance Manager | XII | 1M |
7.135 | Chief, Bureau of Building and Equipment Services | XII | 6M |
7.200 | Purchasing and Stores Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
7.205 | Parts Specialist I | I | 18 |
7.206 | Parts Specialist II | I | 21 |
7.207 | Storekeeper I | I | 17 |
7.208 | Storekeeper II | I | 20 |
7.209 | Stores Manager | I | 25 |
7.219 | Chief, Purchasing Services | XII | 7M |
7.220 | Minority and Small Business Marketing Manager | XII | 2M |
7.221 | Senior Buyer | XII | 4M |
7.222 | Staff Buyer | I | 30 |
7.223 | Associate Buyer | I | 22 |
8.100 | Supervisor Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
8.106 | Central Printing Manager | VI | 31 |
8.111 | Parts Manager | I | 25 |
8.112 | Automotive Repair Operations Chief | VI | 32 |
8.113 | Vehicle Operations Administrator | XII | 4M |
8.115 | Equipment Maintenance Manager | XII | 1M |
8.200 | Skilled Trades Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
8.201 | Trades Helper | II | H14 |
8.202 | Desktop Publishing Technician | I | 19 |
8.203 | Printing Technician | I | 17 |
8.204 | Webpage Design Coordinator | I | 23 |
8.205 | Painter | II | H20 |
8.206 | Graphic Designer | I | 22 |
8.207 | Senior Webpage Design Coordinator | I | 25 |
8.208 | Carpenter I | II | H16 |
8.209 | Carpenter II | II | H20 |
8.211 | Electrician I | II | H19 |
8.212 | Electrician II | II | H23 |
8.214 | Plumber I | II | H19 |
8.215 | Plumber II | II | H23 |
8.217 | Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanic I | II | H20 |
8.218 | Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanic II | II | H24 |
8.220 | Masonry Mechanic | II | H18 |
8.223 | Locksmith II | II | H23 |
8.224 | Locksmith I | II | H20 |
8.227 | Heavy Equipment Maintenance Center Team Leader |
II | H24 |
8.228 | Heavy Equipment Mechanic I | II | H20 |
8.229 | Heavy Equipment Mechanic II | II | H22 |
8.231 | Heavy Equipment Supervisor | VI | 29 |
8.234 | Automotive Mechanic | II | H21 |
8.235 | Automotive Specialist | II | H23 |
8.237 | Automotive Supervisor | VI | 29 |
8.238 | Automotive Team Leader | II | H24 |
8.239 | Laborer II | II | H16 |
8.240 | Public Works Technician I | II | H18 |
8.241 | Public Works Technician II | II | H20 |
8.242 | Public Works Technician III | II | H22 |
8.243 | Public Works Technician IV | II | H24 |
8.244 | Equipment Operator | II | H17 |
8.245 | Heavy Equipment Operator | II | H19 |
8.246 | Landfill Equipment Operator | II | H21 |
8.247 | Pipeline Maintenance Specialist | II | H19 |
8.249 | Welder Mechanic | II | H22 |
8.256 | Playground Specialist | II | H20 |
8.257 | Property Management Grounds Maintenance Specialist Trainee |
II | H16 |
8.259 | Property Management Grounds Maintenance Specialist I | II | H17 |
8.260 | Property Management Grounds Maintenance Specialist II | II | H19 |
8.261 | CountyRide Driver I | II | H16 |
8.262 | CountyRide Driver II | II | H18 |
8.263 | CountyRide Communications Technician I | I | 19 |
8.264 | CountyRide Communications Technician II | I | 22 |
8.265 | Environmental Operations Specialist I | II | H16 |
8.266 | Environmental Operations Specialist II | II | H18 |
8.267 | Wireless Communications Technician | II | H24 |
8.268 | Electronic Mechanic | II | H19 |
8.269 | Communications Equipment Technician I | II | H24 |
8.270 | Communications Equipment Technician II | II | H26 |
8.272 | Radio-Electronic Supervisor | VI | 30 |
8.273 | Assistant Chief, Telecommunications and Electronic Services |
XII | 3M |
8.274 | Chief, Telecommunications and Electronic Services |
XII | 4M |
8.276 | Breathing Apparatus Technician | II | H24 |
8.280 | Treatment Plant Operator Trainee | II | H16 |
8.281 | Treatment Plant Operator I | II | H22 |
8.282 | Treatment Plant Operator II | II | H24 |
8.283 | Instrument Mechanic I | II | H18 |
8.284 | Instrument Mechanic II | II | H22 |
8.286 | Pumping Station Mechanic I | II | H18 |
8.287 | Pumping Station Mechanic II | II | H20 |
8.288 | Pumping Station Mechanic III | II | H22 |
8.289 | Pumping Station Electrician | II | H24 |
8.290 | Printing Equipment Mechanic | I | 23 |
8.292 | High Tree Trimmer | II | H21 |
8.294 | Offset Press Operator I | I | 19 |
8.295 | Offset Press Operator II | I | 21 |
8.296 | Photographic and Audiovisual Technician | I | 21 |
8.298 | Engineering Records Technician | I | 19 |
8.299 | Engineering Records Supervisor | VI | 23 |
8.300 | Unskilled Trades Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
8.310 | Laborer I | II | H13 |
8.312 | Laborer II Trainee | II | H15 |
8.315 | Driver-Messenger | II | H14 |
9.100 | Utilities Supervision Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
9.105 | Utilities Crew Chief | I | 29 |
9.106 | Pumping Station Crew Chief | I | 29 |
9.107 | Pollution Control Analyst I | I | 27 |
9.108 | Pollution Control Analyst II | I | 30 |
9.109 | Pollution Control Analyst III | XII | 2M |
9.110 | Utilities Supervisor I | VI | 30 |
9.111 | Utilities Supervisor II | VI | 32 |
9.112 | Engineering and Regulations Division Chief | XII | 4M |
9.115 | Treatment Plant Supervisor | VI | 28 |
9.121 | Utilities Superintendent (Water and Sewer) |
XII | 2M |
9.125 | Environmental Laboratory Supervisor | XII | 1M |
9.128 | Chief, Bureau of Utilities | XII | 6M |
9.200 | Solid Waste Supervision Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
9.207 | Landfill Crew Chief | I | 29 |
9.208 | Landfill Supervisor | VI | 30 |
9.210 | Landfill Manager | VI | 33 |
9.214 | Solid Waste Crew Chief | I | 29 |
9.216 | Solid Waste Superintendent | XII | 1M |
9.219 | Recycling and Waste Prevention Manager | XII | 2M |
9.222 | Solid Waste Supervisor | VI | 26 |
9.229 | Chief, Bureau of Solid Waste Management |
XII | 6M |
9.300 | Highways Supervision Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
9.307 | Highways Crew Chief | I | 29 |
9.310 | County Arborist | VI | 26 |
9.313 | Highways Superintendent | VI | 32 |
9.316 | Assistant Chief of Highways | XII | 3M |
9.317 | Chief of Highways | XII | 6M |
10.100 | Jail Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
10.103 | Correctional Program Specialist | I | 27 |
10.104 | Correctional Custodial Worker | II | H15 |
10.105 | Correctional Dietary Officer | I-C | 3C |
10.106 | Correctional Dietary Sergeant | I-C | 6C |
10.107 | Correctional Dietary Captain | VI-P | 35 |
10.108 | Correctional Classification Officer | I-C | 4C |
10.109 | Correctional Classification Officer Supervisor | VI-P | 32 |
10.110 | Correctional Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanic | II | H24 |
10.111 | Correctional Maintenance Mechanic I |
II | H17 |
10.112 | Correctional Maintenance Mechanic II |
II | H21 |
10.113 | Correctional Maintenance Crew Chief | I | 29 |
10.114 | Correctional Officer | I-C | 3C |
10.115 | Correctional Sergeant | I-C | 6C |
10.116 | Correctional Lieutenant | I-C | 8C |
10.118 | Correctional Captain | VI-P | 35 |
10.119 | Correctional Corporal | I-C | 4C |
10.123 | Correctional Major | VI-P | 38 |
10.124 | Deputy Director of Corrections | XII | 8M |
10.125 | Correctional Colonel | VI-P | 41 |
10.126 | Correctional Commitment Specialist | I | 23 |
10.127 | Correctional Commitment Supervisor | I | 25 |
10.128 | Correctional Commitment Manager | XII | 1M |
10.129 | Correctional Program Analyst | I | 29 |
10.300 | Traffic Engineering Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
10.313 | Traffic Sign Fabricator | II | H18 |
10.315 | Traffic Sign Painter | II | H21 |
10.326 | Traffic Road Marking Crew Chief |
I | 29 |
10.328 | Traffic Sign and Marking Supervisor |
VI | 30 |
10.339 | Traffic Signal Construction Crew Chief |
I | 29 |
10.341 | Traffic Signal Supervisor | VI | 30 |
10.346 | Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician I |
II | H19 |
10.347 | Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician II |
II | H23 |
10.349 | Traffic Signal Maintenance Crew Chief |
I | 29 |
10.362 | Traffic Inspector I | I | 22 |
10.363 | Traffic Inspector II | I | 26 |
10.365 | Traffic Inspection Supervisor | VI | 30 |
10.390 | Traffic Sign and Marking Associate |
II | H15 |
10.391 | Traffic Sign and Marking Mechanic |
II | H19 |
10.392 | Traffic Signal Construction Associate | II | H15 |
10.393 | Traffic Signal Construction Mechanic |
II | H19 |
10.395 | Chief, Bureau of Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning | XII | 6M |
10.400 | Fire Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
10.413 | Probationary Emergency Medical Technician | V | 8F |
10.414 | Emergency Medical Technician | V | 11F |
10.415 | Paramedic | V | 14F |
10.416 | Paramedic First Class | V | 15F |
10.417 | Emergency Medical Technician-Firefighter | V | 11F |
10.418 | Paramedic-Firefighter | V | 14F |
10.419 | Probationary Firefighter | V | 8F |
10.420 | Firefighter-Emergency Medical Technician | V | 10F |
10.421 | Fire Lieutenant | V | 16F |
10.422 | Fire Captain | V | 19F |
10.423 | Battalion Fire Chief | VIII | 24F |
10.424 | Bureau Chief | VIII | 24F |
10.425 | Deputy Fire Chief | VIII | 25F |
10.426 | Firefighter | V | 8F |
10.427 | Fire Apparatus Driver-Operator | V | 12F |
10.428 | Fire Specialist | V | 12F |
10.429 | Director of Emergency Management | VIII | 27F |
10.430 | Emergency Medical Services Lieutenant | V | 16F2 |
10.431 | Emergency Medical Services Captain | V | 19F2 |
10.460 | Fire Executive Officer | XII | 4M |
10.470 | Assistant Chief, Fire Department | VIII | 27F |
10.500 | Police Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
10.501 | Police Services Officer I |
I | 20 |
10.502 | Police Services Officer II |
I | 22 |
10.503 | Statistical Analyst | I | 28 |
10.505 | Quartermaster | I | 25 |
10.506 | Forensic Photographer I | I | 24 |
10.508 | Latent Print Examiner I | I | 26 |
10.509 | Fingerprint Technician | I | 24 |
10.510 | Background Investigator | I | 26 |
10.511 | Forensic Photographer II | I | 27 |
10.512 | Document Examiner | I | 29 |
10.513 | Firearms and Tool Mark Examiner I | I | 30 |
10.514 | Forensic Chemist II | I | 32 |
10.515 | Forensic Chemistry Supervisor | XII | 3M |
10.516 | Police Cadet | IV | PC |
10.517 | Police Officer | IV | 11P |
10.518 | Corporal | IV | 13P |
10.519 | Sergeant | IV | 15P |
10.520 | Lieutenant | IV | 18P |
10.521 | Captain | VII | 23P |
10.522 | Major | VII | 25P |
10.523 | Colonel | VII | 27P |
10.524 | Deputy Chief of Police | VII | 27P |
10.526 | Police Officer First Class | IV | 11P |
10.530 | Forensic Chemist I | I | 28 |
10.531 | Forensic Analyst | I | 29 |
10.532 | Computer Forensics Examiner I | I | 30 |
10.533 | Latent Print Examiner II | I | 30 |
10.534 | Computer Forensic Examiner II | I | 32 |
10.535 | Firearms and Tool Mark Examiner II | I | 32 |
10.537 | Forensic Laboratory Technician | I | 22 |
10.538 | Forensic Services Technician II | I | 31 |
10.539 | Helicopter Pilot | I | 28 |
10.540 | Firearms and Tool Mark Examiner Trainee | I | 22 |
10.541 | Document Examiner Trainee | I | 22 |
10.542 | Forensic Services Technician I | I | 30 |
10.543 | Forensic Services Supervisor | XII | 8M |
10.544 | Forensic Services Manager | XII | 4M |
10.545 | Fingerprint Technician Trainee | I | 22 |
10.546 | Statistical Supervisor | I | 33 |
10.547 | Chief Statistician | XII | 3M |
10.548 | Forensic Biologist I | I | 27 |
10.549 | Forensic Biologist II | I | 30 |
10.550 | Forensic Biologist III | XII | 1M |
10.551 | Forensic Biologist Technical Leader | XII | 2M |
10.553 | Juvenile Counselor | I | 28 |
10.562 | Digital Forensic Supervisor | XII | 3M |
10.563 | Firearms and Tool Mark Supervisor | XII | 3M |
10.564 | Forensic Services Assistant | I | 28 |
10.565 | Forensic Services Technician III | XII | 4M |
10.566 | Forensic Scientist I | I | 34 |
10.567 | Forensic Scientist II | I | 36 |
10.568 | Forensic Scientist III | VI | 38 |
10.569 | Forensic Scientist IV | XII | 6M |
10.570 | Forensic Scientist Supervisor | XII | 8M |
10.600 | Sheriff Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
10.601 | Security Officer | I | 19 |
10.602 | Security Supervisor | I | 21 |
10.605 | Deputy Sheriff | XIII | 6S |
10.606 | Deputy Sheriff First Class | XIII | 6S |
10.607 | Deputy Sheriff Sergeant | XIII | 8S |
10.609 | Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant | XIII | 10S |
10.611 | Deputy Sheriff Captain | VI-P | 34 |
10.613 | Undersheriff | VI-P | 36 |
10.615 | Chief Deputy Sheriff | VI-P | 35 |
10.700 | Emergency Communications Series | Pay Schedule | Grade |
10.701 | Emergency Communications Technician Trainee (84 Hours Bi-weekly) | I-E | 5E |
10.702 | Emergency Communications Technician I (84 Hours Bi-weekly) | I-E | 5E |
10.703 | Emergency Communications Technician II (84 Hours Bi-weekly) | I-E | 6E |
10.704 | Emergency Communications Supervisor (84 Hours Bi-weekly) | I-E | 8E |
10.705 | Emergency Communications Manager (84 Hours Bi-weekly) | VI-P | 32 |
10.706 | Assistant Chief, Emergency Communications Center | XII | 6M |
10.707 | Chief, Emergency Communications Center | XII | 8M |
10.708 | Emergency Communications Assistant Supervisor (84 Hours Bi-weekly) | I-E | 7E |
In addition to the maximum salary listed, classified employees are rewarded for long and faithful service through longevity increments. These increments, usually earned upon the attainment of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 29 years of service, are designated on the pay schedules below.
- Pay Schedule I—Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees
- Pay Schedule I-C—Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees—Correctional Officers
- Pay Schedule I-E—Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees—Emergency Communications Technicians
- Pay Schedule II—American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
- Pay Schedule III—Baltimore County Federation of Public Health Nurses
- Pay Schedule IV—Fraternal Order of Police—Lodge Number 4
- Pay Schedule V—Baltimore County Firefighters Association
- Pay Schedule VI—Supervisory, Management, and Confidential Employees—Administrative and Operational
- Pay Schedule VIP—Supervisory, Management, and Confidential Employees—Public Safety
- Pay Schedule VII—Supervisory, Management and Confidential Employees—Police Department
- Pay Schedule VIII—Supervisory, Management and Confidential Employees—Fire Department
- Pay Schedule IX—Baltimore County Police Department—Supplementary Salaries
- Pay Schedule X—Baltimore County Fire Department—Supplementary Salaries
- Pay Schedule XI—Physicians and Dentists
- Pay Schedule XII—Supervisory, Management and Confidential Employees
- Pay Schedule XIII—Fraternal Order of Police—Lodge Number 25—Sheriff's Office
- Executive Pay Plan
The following contracts are negotiated between the Unions and the County Administration.
Federation of Public Employees (FPE)—Covers pay schedules I, I-C and I-E employees. The pay schedule includes classifications such as Correctional Officer, Emergency Communications Technician I and II, Highways Crew Chief, Forensic Services Technician I and II and others.
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 25 (FOP 25)—Covers pay schedule XIII uniformed employees of the Sheriff's Office from the rank of Deputy Sheriff up to and including the rank of Lieutenant.
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)—Covers pay schedule II employees in the labor and trades classifications.
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 4 (FOP Lodge 4)—Covers pay schedule IV employees up to and including the rank of Lieutenant.
Baltimore County Professional Fire Fighters Association (IAFF 1311)—Covers pay schedule V employees up to and including the rank of Captain.
Baltimore County Federation of Public Health Nurses (BCFPHN)—Covers the pay schedule III classifications of Public Health Nurse and Nurse Practitioner, both full time and part time.
For additional information, call 410-887-2004.