Zoning Review
The Zoning Review office:
- Processes all zoning petitions; variance, special exception and special hearings
- Review residential, commercial and industrial building permits
- Review and approval residential final development plans (FDP)
- Review and approve all Zoning Use Permits
- Ensure development complies with Baltimore County Zoning Regulations (BCZR)
- New residential dwelling permits require an engineer-scaled and sealed site plan. The plan can be sealed a professional engineer, surveyor or landscape architect.
Use My Neighborhood to find zoning classifications, view prior zoning cases and access other land use data. Zoning Review does not confirm zoning classification via phone or email.
The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) grants variances from height and area regulations where strict compliance with the BCZR would result in practical difficulty or unreasonable hardship. A variance can be done administratively (i.e. not via a public hearing) if:
- It is a residential property (DR or RC zoned)
- Owner occupied and listed ‘yes’ as principal residence on the SDAT Report
- Property ownership is not in LLC or Inc.
This residential checklist provides details and examples of a completed variance packet, including this administrative petition form.
If you cannot meet all three requirements or you have an open case with Code Enforcement or Building Inspections, you will need to complete the public hearing petition form.
A neighbor within 1,000 feet of the requested variance may request a public hearing. A formal demand for hearing must be submitted, in person to Zoning before the closing date on the posted sign.
A special exception seeks permission to do something that the BCZR permits under certain special circumstances. An approved special exception must be utilized within two years from the date of the final order. View the commercial checklist for a special exception and the public hearing petition form.
The BCZR allows any interested person to petition the ALJ for a public/special hearing. Hearing typically consist of an interpretation of the BCZR and aims to ensure proper enforcement of all zoning regulations.
Zoning Review fees vary depending on the process.
Zoning Policy Manual 2023 Edition
The Baltimore County Zoning Policy Manual 2023 Edition was approved by the Baltimore County Council on December 4, 2023 through Resolution 36-23. The Zoning Policy Manual provides detailed explanation of the Zoning regulations by searching for specific uses and zones.
A person desiring to use land for any purpose other than that for which the land is being used must obtain a Use Permit. If such use is permissible, Zoning Review, under authorization of the Director of PAI, may issue a Use Permit.
Below are descriptions on the types of Use Permits Zoning issues and information on how to apply. The fee for all Use Permits is $100, and some expire annually and biennial. The process for applying varies, so carefully review all information for each specific Use Permit.
If you need the Use Permit for State licensing only, and there is no construction or alterations in the tenant space, you may use the Zoning Verification & Use Permit Application For Maryland State Licensing. Contact the Zoning Office for payment options. Please note, if this is a new use of the property or tenant space, a Change of Occupancy permit may be required. Other additional documentation may be required at the time of processing.
The following is intended as a brief overview for obtaining your Accessory Apartment Use Permit. Please read the Declaration of Understanding (DOU) checklist for a complete overview of the Accessory Apartment Use Permit process found at Declaration of Understanding.
The application and approval process begins by applying here:
Apply Now
- Select the Permits tab.
- Log in or create an account.
- Read and accept the General Disclaimer.
- Select Continue Application.
- From Permit Type, select Accessory Apartment Use Permit.
- Enter all necessary data and upload all required documents and submit the application.
- Zoning Review will review your application and forward to the Director of PAI for an electronic signature.
- The e-signed DOU and electronic signature affidavit, both signed by the director will be emailed back to you. The DOU, property description, site plan and floor plans must accompany your Land Records submission (because the director has e-signed the documents, the signature affidavit must accompany your submittal to Land Records).
- About 7 to 14 days after submitting your documents to Land Records, you will receive a validated copy of the DOU from their office (the validated copy is what Zoning needs as proof the DOU has been recorded). This must be uploaded to your Use Permit Application before Zoning signs off on the permit.
The number of clients are based on lot size and other factors, not size of dwelling/number of bedrooms in the dwelling. Often times, the client count will not exceed five. Call Zoning if you have questions related to client count. Questions regarding sprinkler requirements should be directed to Building Plans Review by calling 410-887-3985.
- Assisted Living Facility I—A dwelling built at least five years before the date of application and accommodates fewer than eight resident clients.
- Assisted Living Facility II—A dwelling built at least five years before the date of application and accommodates fewer than eight to 15 resident clients.
View the assisted living facilities checklist and application.
A tourist home that provides rooms for paying guests on an overnight basis not to exceed 14 days. Bed and breakfast are allowed in a building originally constructed as a single-family dwelling that has historic value or significance, and may include accessory structures. This Use Permit must be renewed annually. View the bed and breakfast checklist and application.
Three or more individuals, not related by blood, marriage/adoption residing in a single home. A Boarding or Rooming Use Permit can only be obtained for a single-family detached dwelling in a DR Zone. Use Permit must be renewed annually. View the boarding or rooming house application.
Zoning Review may issue a Use Permit for business parking in a residential zone. View the business parking/residential zone application.
- Child Care/Adult Care Center Class A—A child care or adult care center with no more than 12 children or 12 adults at a time. View the class A checklist and application.
- Child Care/ Adult Care Center Class B—13 or more children or 13 or more adults. Does not require a Use Permit, however Zoning approval is still necessary. Read the approval process of a Class B.
Donation bins are an unattended stationary or freestanding container, receptacle, drop-off box, small trailer, or similar small device or facility that is placed outdoors and is used for the solicitation and donation of items of personal property to be donated or recycled for reuse. Use Permit must be renewed biennially.
A Use Permit is required for the temporary placement of a dumpster. The Use Permit application should include a site plan to ensure the dumpster will be placed in an acceptable location. View the dumpster use permit application.
As of December 19, 2024, per Bill No. 99-24 all hookah or vapor lounges in Baltimore County must apply for and receive a Use Permit. The Use Permit must be renewed annually.
The application and approval process begins by applying here:
- Select the Permits tab.
- Log in or create an account.
- Read and accept the General Disclaimer.
- Select Continue Application.
- From Permit Type, select Hookah and Vapor Lounge Use Permit.
- Enter all necessary data and the following documents must be submitted with this application:
- Certificate of Compliance: Video Surveillance System
- Site Plan: Plan must include parking calculations, surveillance camera location and be sealed by a licensed Architect, Engineer or Surveyor
- Obtain Trader's License: Issued by the Clerk of the Court for Maryland
- Live Music Permit: (If applicable, attach copy of Live Musical Entertainment Use Permit Application)
Any music involving a live performance at a business or other commercial venue. Live musical entertainment may include musical ensembles, solo performers and the presentation of music played on sound equipment operated by an individual. The Use Permit must be renewed annually. View the live music entertainment use permit application.
To assist restaurants and bars with recovery, the County Executive has authorized outdoor dining service for Baltimore County restaurants. This Use Permit must be renewed annually.
- Farmer’s Roadside Stands—A place used for the sale of indigenous farm products, the majority of which have been grown and produced on the premises or adjacent land farmed by the same agricultural producer. Permitted by right, with a Use Permit in RC2, RC3, RC4 or RC5 Zones. View the farmer's roadside stands use permit application.
- Flowers and Snowball Stands—A temporary/seasonal Use Permit. Flowers stands may not exceed 120 days in a calendar year. Snowball stands may not exceed six months in a calendar year. Permanent snowball stands must comply with all Zoning Regulations. Use Permit must be renewed annually. View the flowers and snowball stands checklist and application.
An undersized lot is a lot that does not meet the minimum length, width or area requirements. If the lot can be developed with no further zoning relief (i.e., complies with setbacks and other regulations) and you have an active building permit, simply apply for a Use Permit. View the undersized lot application.
If you cannot meet the setbacks or further zoning relief is necessary, a special hearing or variance will be required.
Please note, if this is a new use of the property or tenant space, a Change of Occupancy building permit may be required. If there is construction or alterations in the tenant space, a Change of Occupancy permit may be required. If you need the Use Permit for State licensing only, you may use the Zoning Use and Occupancy Permit Application for Maryland State Licensing.
This application can be submitted by email when payment is made online.
- Log in or create an account.
- Select the Online Payment tab.
- Read and confirm message and select Continue Application.
- On the next page, select from Account or Add New (for first-time users).
- From the Transaction Type dropdown menu, select Zoning Review Fee.
- Under Reference # enter ZVUP.
- Payment Amount, enter $100.
- Select Continue Application.
- The next page will prompt you to enter credit card information. Once you have successfully completed payment, you will receive an email confirming payment.
- Email the completed Zoning Verification and Use Permit Application and your email confirming payment to paizoning@baltimorecountymd.gov.
- Upon approval, our office will email the issued Zoning Review Verification and Use Permit.
Mail or Walk-In Options
A completed application and a check for $100.00, made payable to Baltimore County, to the Zoning Review Office, County Office Building, 111 West Chesapeake Avenue, Room 124, Towson, Maryland 21204. Credit card payment is accepted for walk-in service only.
Note: A refund will not be issued. Please be sure you have done your due diligence before requesting approval from the Zoning Review Office. Some Baltimore County resources to assist you include the My Neighborhood map and Baltimore County Zoning Regulations.