Speed Cameras
Baltimore County uses speed cameras to encourage motorists to slow down in school zones where traffic data and citizen complaints show that speeding is a problem.
The use of speed cameras in Maryland—called the Safe Speed Automated Enforcement Program—was authorized by the Maryland General Assembly under Maryland Transportation Article 21-809. The Baltimore County Council passed legislation, Baltimore County-Bill 61-09, in 2009 authorizing the use of 15 speed cameras in school zones. In 2011, the Baltimore County Council amended this legislation, Bill 1-11, to allow additional cameras.
The Baltimore County Police Department (BCoPD) supports speed cameras because they enhance public safety. Every day, citizens demand safe streets in Baltimore County, especially for the benefit of children. Speed cameras are an effective tool for slowing motorists.

Cameras may be added or moved at the discretion of the Police Chief based on a review of traffic data, citizen complaints and a location's accident history. All speed camera zones are marked with signage.
Speed cameras are installed or in the process of being installed at the following schools:
- Bedford Elementary, 7300 block of Campfield Road
- Carroll Manor Elementary, 4400 block of Carroll Manor Road
- Catonsville Elementary, 100 block of Bloomsbury Avenue
- Church Lane Elementary, 8600 block of Allenswood Road
- Cromwell Valley Elementary School, 800 block of Providence Road
- Deer Park Elementary, 9800 block of Lyons Mill Road
- Dogwood Elementary, 7200 block of Dogwood Road
- Dundalk Elementary, 7000 block of Dunmanway
- Fort Garrison Elementary, 3300 block of Woodvalley Drive
- Halstead Academy, 7500 block of Hillsway Road
- Hampton Elementary, 1100 block of Charmuth Road
- Hawthorne Elementary, 100 Kingston Road
- Johnnycake Elementary, 5900 block of Craigmont Road
- Joppa View Elementary, 8700 block of Honeygo Boulevard
- Lyons Mill Elementary, 9400 block of Lyons Mill Road
- McCormick Elementary, 5100 block of Hazelwood Avenue
- New Town Elementary, 9300 block of Lakeside Boulevard (northbound and southbound)
- Owings Mills Elementary, 10800 block of Reisterstown Road
- Padonia Elementary, 9800 block of Greenside Drive
- Pleasant Plains Elementary, 1400 and 1600 blocks of Putty Hill Avenue
- Randallstown Elementary, 8900 block of Greens Lane
- Reisterstown Elementary, 200 block of Walgrove Road
- Riderwood Elementary, 8100 block of Thornton Road
- Rodgers Forge Elementary, 200 block of Stevenson Lane
- Sandalwood Elementary, 900 block of South Marlyn Avenue
- Scotts Branch Elementary School, 3600 block of Rolling Road (northbound)
- Seven Oaks Elementary, 9200 block of Seven Courts Drive
- Seventh District Elementary School, 20300 block of York Road
- Stoneleigh Elementary, 800 block of Regester Avenue and 700 block of Stevenson Lane
- Summit Park Elementary, 2400 block of Green Summit Road
- Timonium Elementary, 2000 block of Eastridge Road
- Victory Villa Elementary, 500 block of Compass Road
- Vincent Farm Elementary, 6000 block of Ebenezer Road
- Watershed Public Charter School, 7000 block of Dogwood Road
- Wellwood International, 2900 block of Smith Avenue
- Westchester Elementary, 2300 block of Old Frederick Road
- Westowne Elementary, 400 block of Harlem Lane
- Winand Elementary, 8300 block of Scotts Level Road
- Woodholme Elementary, 300 block of Mt Wilson Lane (westbound)
- Woodmoor Elementary, 3000 block of Essex Road
- Arbutus Middle, 1200 block of Sulphur Spring Road
- Cockeysville Middle, 300 block of Warren Road
- Deep Creek Middle, 1100 block of South Marlyn Avenue
- Deer Park Middle, 9800 block of Winands Road
- Dumbarton Middle, 200 block of Stevenson Lane
- Dundalk Middle, 7000 block of Dunmanway
- General John Stricker Middle School, 7800 block of Trappe Road
- Lansdowne Middle, 2200 block of Lansdowne Road
- Loch Raven Academy, Goucher Boulevard at Lasalle Road
- Middle River Middle, 800 block of Middle River Road
- Old Court Middle, 4600 block of Old Court Road
- Pikesville Middle, 7700 block of Seven Mile Lane
- Southwest Academy, 6200 block of Johnnycake Road
- Stemmers Run Middle, 200 block of Stemmers Run Road
- Windsor Mill Middle, 8200 block of Windsor Mill Road
- Woodlawn Middle, 3000 block of Essex Road
- Perry Hall Middle School, 4300 block of Ebenezer Road (eastbound)
- Carver Center for the Arts, 500 block of Kenilworth Drive
- Catonsville High, 400 and 500 blocks of South Rolling Road
- Dulaney High, 200 block of Padonia Road
- Dundalk High, 1900 block of Delvale Road
- Eastern Technical High, 1100 block of Mace Avenue
- Lansdowne High, 3900 Hollins Ferry Road
- Loch Raven High, 1600 block of Cromwell Bridge Road
- Milford Mill Academy, 3800 block of Washington Avenue
- New Town High School, 9300 block of Lakeside Boulevard (northbound and southbound)
- Parkville High, 2600 and 2700 blocks of Putty Hill Avenue
- Patapsco High, 8100 block of Wise Avenue
- Perry Hall High, 4600 block of Ebenezer Road
- Randallstown High School, 9200 block of Winands Road (eastbound)
- Sparrows Point High, 7400 block of North Point Road
- Woodlawn High, 1700 and1800 blocks of Woodlawn Drive
- Bais Yaakov, 6300 block of Smith Avenue
- Calvert Hall, 1300 and 1400 blocks of Putty Hill Avenue
- Garrison Forest School, 300 block of Garrison Forest Road
- Harbour School, 11200 block of Dolfield Boulevard
- Immaculate Heart of Mary School, 1700 block of Putty Hill Avenue
- McDonogh School, 8600 block of McDonogh Road
- Mt. Carmel, 1700 block of Old Eastern Avenue
- Mt. DeSales Academy, 700 block of Academy Road
- Lamb of God School, 4400 block of Ridge Avenue (eastbound)
- Notre Dame Preparatory School, 800 block of Hampton Lane (eastbound)
- The Jemicy School, 11200 block of Garrison Forest Road (north and southbound)
In compliance with state law, Baltimore County's speed cameras operate Monday through Friday between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Speed cameras remain in use during these hours throughout the summer months and on other weekdays when school is not in session. The need for motorists to drive carefully in school zones exists even when schools are not in session because school sites are used for summer school, recreation and parks activities, summer athletics and other child-oriented activities.
During the first 30 days after a camera is activated, motorists exceeding the speed limit by at least 12 miles per hour (mph) will receive warnings rather than citations.
After a speed camera has been in place for 30 days, citations will be issued to motorists traveling at least 12 mph over the speed limit.
Tickets generated by speed camera violations carry a $40 fine; no license points are assigned because these are civil violations. Vehicle insurance providers are not notified of speed camera citations. You may pay online, in person or by mail; the options are included on the violation notice.
Vehicle owners may contest speed camera fines in Maryland District Court. Details about how to appeal are included on each violation notice. If you wish to contest a citation because you were not driving the vehicle when the violation occurred, you must provide a signed affidavit stating that you were not operating the vehicle at the time of the violation and provide corroborating evidence, such as the name, address and, if possible, the driver's license identification number of the person who was driving. This must be done within 30 days of the mail date of the citation.
Failure to respond to the ticket can result in additional fees and penalties. Maryland law requires that revenue from speed camera fines be used for public safety programs.
If you received a speed camera citation in Baltimore County that you believe was issued in error, the Speed Camera Ombudsman Program provides you the opportunity to have your citation reviewed before you make payment or request a court date. After conducting the review, the County will either uphold the original decision or void the citation.
To request a review of your citation, download and complete the Citation Review Form. Make sure to include your name, address, email, a daytime phone number, citation number and reason for your request.
Email the completed form to citationreview@baltimorecountymd.gov or mail it to:
Citation Review Section
400 Washington Avenue, Room 149
Towson, Maryland 21204
All requests must be made in writing. No phone calls will be accepted.
Most reviews take three to five business days to complete. However, on occasion the process may exceed the five-day time frame.
All decisions will be conveyed in writing. All decisions remain unchanged until a final review is conducted by the Citation Review Section.
If the citation is voided, the County will adjust all records accordingly. If the citation is upheld, you can pay the fine or request a court date for further consideration.
If you contest your ticket in court, you will be presented with photographs of the violation. You will have the opportunity to present to the court any information that challenges or mitigates the violation, just as you would for a speeding ticket issued by a police officer. After reviewing all of the evidence, the court will make a decision.