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Police Department
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Police News
View news from the Police Department or your local precinct crime blotter for the latest updates on crime in your area.
Call 911 for an immediate police response to emergencies and crimes in progress.
You may report suspicious activity and neighborhood concerns, such as abandoned vehicles, parking violations, zoning-related issues or any requests for assistance that do not require an immediate response. We encourage good faith reporting of information regarding a crime or a wanted person. You may request to remain anonymous, however BCoPD reserves the right to contact you to verify or clarify the information you provide, and shall make a reasonable effort to maintain your anonymity.
When calling the non-emergency police response phone number, 410-887-2222, your call will be screened to see if it qualifies for telephone reporting. If your call qualifies, you will be advised that your request meets the criteria for telephone reporting and that you will receive a return call from a staff member of the telephone reporting unit.
iWatch is a neighborhood awareness program created to encourage citizens to be vigilant in identifying and reporting suspicious behaviors that may have connections to crime, security threats and possible terrorist activities. If you see or know of something suspicious, submit your tips for non-emergency situations by emailing your tip to iwatch@baltimorecountymd.gov or by submitting a tip online.
Note: Pursuant to Maryland law it is a crime to make false statements and/or misuse electronic communication. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
The Baltimore County Police Department has earned national accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, known as CALEA, the gold standard in police accreditation. As an accredited agency, members of the public have the opportunity to provide feedback via the CALEA Portal.
The purpose of this public portal is to receive comments regarding our compliance with the CALEA standards, engagement in the service community, delivery of public safety services and overall candidacy for accredited status. These comments can be in the form of commendations or concerns. The general intent of the accreditation process is to provide our agency with information to support continuous improvement and foster our pursuit of professional excellence.
It is essential to know that CALEA is not an investigatory body; subsequently, the public portal should not be used to submit information for such purposes. Additionally, there will be no response other than acknowledgment to submissions; however, the information will be considered in context to its relevancy to compliance with standards and the tenets of CALEA Accreditation.
Property of this kind is in the possession of BCoPD because it may have been lawfully-seized, abandoned or stolen. To claim property:
- Speak to the investigating officer assigned to your case, they are responsible for having your property released.
- If the property is not needed as evidence, this officer will notify the Evidence Management Unit, who will send you a letter with instructions regarding how to pick up your property.
- You have 30 days after notification by Evidence Management to retrieve your property. You must present a government photo ID and the letter mailed to you by Evidence Management.
- After 30 days, seized property is considered unclaimed, at which time it will either be destroyed or publicly auctioned online.

- Strategic Plan— A road map for BCoPD's future service to the citizens of Baltimore County.
- Deployment of Cell Site Simulators—Read information on the deployment of cell site simulators that is available in compliance with the law. This report is required by Chapters 222 and 223 of the General Assembly (MSAR #12443).
- Annual Reports—Showcase some of the activities, accomplishments and achievements of the department during each year.
To request BCoPD training, existing officers should complete the training request form.
Search the table below to find contact information related to a specific division, topic or type of crime/investigation.
Division/Topic | Contact Information |
Arson | 410-887-4870 |
Auto/Car Crimes |
Auxiliary Police | 410-887-7365 |
Budget Management | 410-887-3687 |
Community |
Conflict Resolution/Mediation | Conflict Resolution Center |
Crime Strategies and Analysis | 410-887-2245 |
Crimes Involving |
Criminal Investigations | 410-887-2271 |
Cyber/Online Crimes | 410-887-2190 |
Employment | 410-887-5521 |
Evidence Management | 700 East Joppa Road Towson, Maryland 21286 410-887-2276 |
Financial Crimes | 410-887-2190 |
Fingerprinting Services This service is not provided to the public. | View a list of fingerprinting service providers. |
Forensics | 410-887-2290 |
Hazardous Devices | 410-887-2459 |
Homeland Security | 410-887-2056 |
Homicide and Missing Persons | 410-887-3943 |
Identity Theft | 410-887-2190 |
Internal Affairs | 410-887-2300 |
Legal | 410-887-2211 |
Narcotics | 410-887-1870 |
Office of the Chief | 410-887-2200 |
Operations |
Orders | |
Pawns | 410-887-6293 |
Professional Standards Bureau | 410-887-2220 |
Public Affairs | 410-887-2210 |
Records/Reports |
Recruitment | 410-887-5542 |
Safe Schools | 443-809-6487 |
Technology and Communications | 410-887-2819 |
Theft |
Traffic Management |
Training |
Violent Crimes | 410-887-6286 |