Public Works Current Solicitations
All pre-bid meetings and bid openings will be held via Webex, do not show up in person. See each solicitation for the Webex phone number and access code, which you will need in order to participate in the pre-bid meetings and bid openings.
Bids shall be received by the bid closing date and time at The contract number and company name should be referenced in the subject line of the email. Bidders will receive an auto-receipt email for proof of bid received. Bids may not be submitted by any other means. Bids that are mailed or otherwise delivered to the Purchasing Division (including emails which indicate links to locations where the bid may be downloaded) or emails sent to any other Baltimore County email address will not be accepted.
For updates, subscribe to receive emails regarding future projects.
Only Section V–Proposal (Schedule of Prices, Proposal Affidavit, Bid Bond, and Minority Business Enterprise and Women Business Enterprise Participation Forms) of the contract book, along with any addenda, is required to be emailed by the bid closing date and time at
Make sure your company is prequalified by Baltimore County for the proper category of work at least 10 business days prior to the date of bid opening. Prequalified contractors with a Cost Group restriction must bid within the dollar amount stated on their Certificate of Prequalification.
Submit your bid before the time specified in Section V–Proposal–Description of Work, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read via Webex.
Email Section V–Proposal along with any addenda to with the contract number and company name referenced in the subject line. An auto-receipt email will be sent for proof of bid received.
Apparent Low Bidder must submit original Bid Bond 10 days after bid opening via certified mail to:
Baltimore County, Division of Construction Contracts Administration
County Office Building
111 West Chesapeake Avenue, Room 300 B
Towson, Maryland 21204
At time of award, only Section IV–Post Award Documents (Contract Agreement, Performance and Payment Bonds, First Source Hiring Agreement, Prevailing Wage and Local Hiring Affidavit, and Insurance Provisions) will be completed and submitted.
The successful bidder will be notified by letter that their bid has been accepted and they have been awarded the right to execute the Post Award Documents.
Submit one original set of Section VI–Post Award Documents to:
Baltimore County, Division of Construction Contracts Administration
County Office Building
111 West Chesapeake Avenue, Room 300 B
Towson, Maryland 21204
Instructions to complete the Post Award Documents have been created to assist the successful bidder.
Contract information and bid results are posted 30 days after award.
Construction Contracts Administration contract documents, drawings and addenda are available for download through our FTP site. You are responsible for frequently checking for addenda and for downloading, printing and including signed copies of all addenda along with the bid.
Note: To access the FTP site, use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge. Other Internet browsers, including Google Chrome, may not allow access.
Current Solicitations advertises the contract for proposed work and identifies the required prequalification categories, cost group, bid proposal document inspection, and the date, time and place of solicitation opening.
Current Baltimore County contract information is listed below in chronological order of bid date. Unless otherwise, specified times are EST.
Contract Number, Title, Description | Work Classification | Important Dates | Contact Information |
24024 GX0: Pittsfield Road Stream Restoration at Green Valley Lane The proposed stream restoration project consists of clearing and grubbing, class five excavation, boulder bank protection, live stakes, soil stabilization, landscaping, heavy tree protection, adjusting and replacing fences, trees, shrubs and concrete sewer encasement. Baltimore County Prevailing Wage Rates Apply
| K-5 with a F-3 prequalified sub-contractor | Bid Due Date: Thursday, April 24, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone. Call 1-415-655-0001 , access code 2315 694 1405##. Pre-Bid Conference: A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 10 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone (audio only). Call 1-415-655-0001 , Meeting Number 2317 367 1257##. For video conference, join Webex. Meeting Number 2317 367 1257#, Password GAnHZMwf688. | Main Contact: Anthony Crews Phone: 410-887-3531 Email: |
21202 SX0: Gray Manor Interceptor Rehabilitation Work includes mobilization, clearing and grubbing; demolition, structural rehabilitation of the collection system, including manholes, laterals, and sewers through excavation or trenchless means; traffic control; all related excavation, shoring, dewatering, backfill; base and surface pavement replacement; landscaping and restoration; testing; and demobilization. Baltimore County Prevailing Wage Rates Apply Addendums:
| F-6 | Revised Bid Due Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone. Call 1-415-655-0001 , access code 2305 461 7161##. Pre-Bid Conference: A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 10 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone (audio only). Call 1-415-655-0001 , Meeting Number 2301 988 7868##. For video conference, join Webex. Meeting Number 2301 988 7868#, Password HcmPTAfK636. | Main Contact: Barb Wentworth Phone: 410-887-3531 Email: |
22221 PF0: Fullerton Fire Station Number 8 Renovations and Additions, 4401 Fitch Avenue, Nottingham, Maryland 21236 Work consists of the expansion and renovation of approximately 2,660 square feet of bathroom, locker room, bunk room, support spaces. Baltimore County Prevailing Wage Rates Apply Addendums:
| I-2 | Bid Due Date: Thursday, January 9, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone. Call 1-415-655-0001 , access code 2304 658 3861##. Pre-Bid Conference: A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 9 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone (audio only). Call 1-415-655-0001 , Meeting Number 2318 853 5325##. For video conference, join Webex. Meeting Number 2318 853 5325#, Password 92ybKJaTPx3. | Main Contact: Anthony Crews Phone: 410-887-3531 Email: |
23119 GX0: Stansbury Park Fishing Pier and Hiking Trail Replacement and Enhancements, 7800 Stansbury Road, Dundalk, Maryland 21222 Work consists of removing the existing pier, floating pier and concrete stair and ramp; the installation of a new pier, floating pier, concrete stair and American Disability Act ramp and to repair the existing walk path in multiple locations. Baltimore County Prevailing Wage Rates Apply Addendums:
| N-3 with an Additional Prequalification Requirement Reference and Affidavit forms due Monday, November 25, 2024. | Bid Due Date: Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 10:45 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone. Call 1-415-655-0001 , access code 2307 423 9292##. Pre-Bid Conference: A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 10 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone (audio only). Call 1-415-655-0001 , Meeting Number 2304 940 5812##. For video conference, join Webex. Meeting Number 2304 940 5812#, Password VwC38Pv2jPs. Award Information: This project was awarded to Cianelli Construction, Inc. on March 13, 2025 in the amount of $799,630. | Main Contact: Anthony Crews Phone: 410-887-3531 Email: |
23015 PO0: Western Acceptance Facility Scale House Replacement, 3310 Transway Road, Halethorpe, Maryland 21227 Addendums:
| I-1 | Bid Due Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 10:45 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone. Call 1-415-655-0001, access code 2317 552 1269##. Pre-Bid Conference: A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 10 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone (audio only). Call 1-415-655-0001, Meeting Number 2316 901 6265##. For video conference, join Webex. Meeting Number 2316 901 6265, Password bum4qESPx64. | Main Contact: Anthony Crews Phone: 410-887-3531 Email: |
22003 SX0: Bengies Road, Bourque Road and Gladway Road Low Pressure Sewer System—Health Project Work includes the construction of approximately 310 linear feet of three-inch, 2,055 linear feet of two-inch, and 1,566 linear feet of 1.5-inch low pressure sewer main, one intersection combination flushing connection and air vacuum release valve and vault, construction of two combination flushing connection and air vacuum release valve and vault, construction of two terminal flushing connection valve and vault, furnishing and installing 26 simplex grinder pumps with corresponding electrical service connections, maintenance of traffic, all related excavation, shoring, dewatering, backfill, restoration of disturbed surfaces, and testing and demobilization. Addendums:
| F-1 and F-7 with prequalified A-2 subcontractors | Bid Due Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone. Call 1-415-655-0001, access code 2327 001 6128#. Pre-Bid Conference: A pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 11 a.m. EST via Webex. Join the meeting by phone. Call 1-415-655-0001; access code 2320 005 3642. Join the meeting online. Meeting Number 2320 005 3642; Password 2Ra82sJD9ws. All bids were rejected on December 10, 2024. | Main Contact: Barb Wentworth Phone: 410-887-3531 Email: |
20196 SX0: Glen Echo Interceptor Relief Sewer Addendums:
| F-1 | Revised Bid Due Date: Postponed Indefinitely. This project has been postponed indefinitely. | Main Contact: Barb Wentworth Phone: 410-887-3531 Email: |