Gerst Road Park Site
- Natural Areas
The Department of Recreation and Parks is seeking additional input on the proposed Gerst Road Park site, situated at the northeast corner of Gerst Road and New Gerst Road. County Executive Johnny Olszewski and the County Council have approved capital funding for park design, which will be based on public input and comprehensive site planning.
The two general concept plans and accompanying descriptions below provide rough conceptual themes based on prior public input. The County and the Department welcome the community’s input on not only the theme, but the types of park facilities, amenities and features that should be included in the park’s design.
Public Input Meetings
December 23, 2024: The Department will hold a virtual public input meeting on Monday, December 23 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. via Webex.
Meeting link:
Access Code: 2319 649 7761
August 24, 2023: The Department held a virtual public input meeting.
- View the public input meeting recording and presentation from August 24, 2023.
- View the current mowing schedule for the Gerst Road park site.
Concept A
The first concept takes a mostly passive approach to utilizing the park site’s 22 acres, without ignoring the existing features of the property and being sensitive to the neighboring communities. Access to the park will align with the proposed entrance to the Gerst Farm community to the west. Pedestrian connections will be made to the future sidewalks that have been proposed for Gerst Road. Keeping the entrance and parking close to Gerst Road will minimize impervious surfaces, as well as providing a buffer from the existing communities that surround the park. The park will be organized off of a central, circular parking lot. This passive park will offer visitors a chance to walk and play amongst nature.
Comfort station
Exercise area
Landscape trees
Open lawn for informal play
Pedestrian walk with benches
Picnic grove
Pollinator garden
View the concept drawing and image board for Concept A.
Concept B
The second concept is also a mostly passive approach to utilizing the park site, while preserving the existing features on the property and buffering the neighboring properties. This concept aligns the entrance with the Gerst Farm project across Gerst Road, providing connection for vehicles and pedestrians. Breaking the parking lots into smaller footprints and keeping the lots closer to Gerst Road reduces the impact of vehicles and minimizes impervious surfaces. The park will be organized with a series of pedestrian trails that wind through the property. Keeping the more active uses, such as pickleball courts along Gerst Road, will provide the maximum buffer to the adjacent communities.
Comfort station
Open lawn for informal play
Pickleball courts
Walking paths
View the concept drawing and image board for Concept B.